<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../RTCPeerConnection-helper.js"></script>
'use strict';
* Chromium note: this requires build bots with H264 support. See
* https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=840659
* for details on how to enable support.
// Tests for conformance to RFC 7742,
// "WebRTC Video Processing and Codec Requirements"
// The document was formerly known as draft-ietf-rtcweb-video-codecs.
// This tests that the browser is a WebRTC Browser as defined there.
// TODO: Section 3.2: screen capture video MUST be prepared
// to handle resolution changes.
// TODO: Section 4: MUST support generating CVO (orientation)
// Section 5: Browsers MUST implement VP8 and H.264 Constrained Baseline
promise_test(async t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
const offer = await generateVideoReceiveOnlyOffer(pc);
let video_section_found = false;
for (let section of offer.sdp.split(/\r\nm=/)) {
if (section.search('video') != 0) {
video_section_found = true;
// RTPMAP lines have the format a=rtpmap:<pt> <codec>/<clock rate>
let rtpmap_regex = /\r\na=rtpmap:(\d+) (\S+)\/\d+\r\n/g;
let match = rtpmap_regex.exec(offer.sdp);
let payload_type_map = new Array();
while (match) {
payload_type_map[match[1]] = match[2];
match = rtpmap_regex.exec(offer.sdp);
assert_true(payload_type_map.indexOf('VP8') > -1,
'VP8 is supported');
assert_true(payload_type_map.indexOf('H264') > -1,
'H.264 is supported');
// TODO: Verify that one of the H.264 PTs supports constrained baseline
}, 'H.264 and VP8 should be supported in initial offer');
async function negotiateParameters() {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
let [track, streams] = await getTrackFromUserMedia('video');
const sender = pc1.addTrack(track);
await exchangeOfferAnswer(pc1, pc2);
return sender.getParameters();
function parseFmtp(fmtp) {
const params = fmtp.split(';');
return params.map(param => param.split('='));
promise_test(async t => {
const params = await negotiateParameters();
assert_true(!!params.codecs.find(codec => codec.mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264'));
assert_true(!!params.codecs.find(codec => codec.mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vP8'));
}, 'H.264 and VP8 should be negotiated after handshake');
// TODO: Section 6: Recipients MUST be able to decode 320x240@20 fps
// TODO: Section 6.1: VP8 MUST support RFC 7741 payload formats
// TODO: Section 6.1: VP8 MUST respect max-fr/max-fs
// TODO: Section 6.1: VP8 MUST encode and decode square pixels
// TODO: Section 6.2: H.264 MUST support RFC 6184 payload formats
// TODO: Section 6.2: MUST support Constrained Baseline level 1.2
// TODO: Section 6.2: SHOULD support Constrained High level 1.3
// TODO: Section 6.2: MUST support packetization mode 1.
promise_test(async t => {
const params = await negotiateParameters();
const h264 = params.codecs.filter(codec => codec.mimeType === 'video/H264');
h264.map(codec => {
const codec_params = parseFmtp(codec.sdpFmtpLine);
assert_true(!!codec_params.find(x => x[0] === 'profile-level-id'));
}, 'All H.264 codecs MUST include profile-level-id');
// TODO: Section 6.2: SHOULD interpret max-mbps, max-smbps, max-fs et al
// TODO: Section 6.2: MUST NOT include sprop-parameter-sets
// TODO: Section 6.2: MUST support SEI "filler payload"
// TODO: Section 6.2: MUST support SEI "full frame freeze"
// TODO: Section 6.2: MUST be prepared to receive User Data messages
// TODO: Section 6.2: MUST encode and decode square pixels unless signaled