
<!DOCTYPE html>
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let testName = "XRInputSource attributes meet [SameObject] requirement";

let testFunction = function(session, fakeDeviceController, t) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    let input_source = fakeDeviceController.simulateInputSourceConnection({
      handedness: "right",
      targetRayMode: "tracked-pointer",
      pointerOrigin: VALID_POINTER_TRANSFORM,
      gripOrigin: VALID_GRIP_TRANSFORM,
      profiles: ["foo", "bar"]

    requestSkipAnimationFrame(session, (time, xrFrame) => {
      let source = session.inputSources[0];
      let targetRaySpace = source.targetRaySpace;
      let gripSpace = source.gripSpace;
      let profiles = source.profiles;

      t.step(() => {
        assert_not_equals(targetRaySpace, null,
          "target ray space must not be null");
        assert_not_equals(gripSpace, null, "grip space must not be null");

        // Make sure [SameObject] attributes actually have the same object
        // returned each time they are accessed.
        assert_equals(targetRaySpace, source.targetRaySpace,
          "XRInputSource.targetRaySpace returns the same object.");
        assert_equals(gripSpace, source.gripSpace,
          "XRInputSource.gripSpace returns the same object.");
        assert_equals(profiles, source.profiles,
          "XRInputSource.profiles returns the same object.");

      session.requestAnimationFrame((time, xrFrame) => {
        // Make sure the attributes still return the same object on the next
        // frame when nothing has happened that would cause the input source
        // to be recreated.
        t.step(() => {
          assert_equals(targetRaySpace, source.targetRaySpace,
            "XRInputSource.targetRaySpace returns the same object each frame.");
          assert_equals(gripSpace, source.gripSpace,
            "XRInputSource.gripSpace returns the same object each frame.");
          assert_equals(profiles, source.profiles,
            "XRInputSource.profiles returns the same object each frame.");


  testName, testFunction, TRACKED_IMMERSIVE_DEVICE, 'immersive-vr');