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let matrix_tests_name = "XRRigidTransform matrix works";

let matrix_tests = function() {
  // Matrix tests for XRRigidTransform.

  // Test 1. Check if matrix rotates the vector the same way as quaternion
  // used to construct it. This does not perform a translation.
    // point
    const originDict = {x : 0, y : 0, z : 0, w : 1};
    // quaternion - should be normalized
    const orientationDict = {x : 0, y : 0.3805356, z : 0.7610712, w : 0.525322 }

    let rigidTransform = new XRRigidTransform(

    const point_0 = {x : 10, y : 11, z : 12, w : 1};

    // transform the point by matrix from rigid transform
    const point_transformed_0 = normalize_perspective(transform_point_by_matrix(rigidTransform.matrix, point_0));
    const point_transformed_1 = transform_point_by_quaternion(orientationDict, point_0);
    const point_transformed_2 = transform_point_by_quaternion(rigidTransform.orientation, point_0);

      point_transformed_1, point_transformed_0,
      FLOAT_EPSILON, "by-initial-quaternion-and-matrix:");

      point_transformed_2, point_transformed_0,
      FLOAT_EPSILON, "by-transform's-quaternion-and-matrix:");

test(matrix_tests, matrix_tests_name);
