<!doctype html>
<title>same-origin checks</title>
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<link rel=help href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/workers.html#dom-sharedworker">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
// Needed to prevent a race condition if a worker throws an exception that may or may
// not propogate to the window before the tests finish
setup({allow_uncaught_exception: true});
testSharedWorkerHelper = (t, script) => {
const worker = new SharedWorker(script, '');
worker.onerror = t.step_func_done(e => {
assert_true(e instanceof Event);
test(() => {
assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", () => { new SharedWorker('https://test:test', ''); });
}, "non-parsable URL");
async_test(t => {
// Parses fine as a URL, fails to fetch according to Fetch
testSharedWorkerHelper(t, 'unsupported:');
}, "unsupported_scheme");
async_test(t => {
const worker = new SharedWorker('data:,onconnect = e => { e.ports[0].postMessage(1); }', '');
worker.port.onmessage = t.step_func_done(e => {
assert_equals(e.data, 1);
}, "data_url");
async_test(t => {
testSharedWorkerHelper(t, 'javascript:""');
}, "javascript_url");
async_test(t => {
testSharedWorkerHelper(t, 'about:blank');
}, "about_blank");
async_test(t => {
testSharedWorkerHelper(t, 'http://www.opera.com/');
}, "opera_com");
async_test(t => {
testSharedWorkerHelper(t, location.protocol+'//'+location.hostname+':81/');
}, "port_81");
async_test(t => {
testSharedWorkerHelper(t, 'https://'+location.hostname+':80/');
}, "https_port_80");
async_test(t => {
testSharedWorkerHelper(t, 'https://'+location.hostname+':8000/');
}, "https_port_8000");
async_test(t => {
testSharedWorkerHelper(t, 'http://'+location.hostname+':8012/');
}, "http_port_8012");