

test(function() {
  self.onmessage = 1;
  assert_equals(self.onmessage, null,
                "attribute should return null after being set to a primitive");
}, "Setting onmessage to 1");

test(function() {
  var object = {
    handleEvent: this.unreached_func()
  self.onmessage = object;
  assert_equals(self.onmessage, object,
                "attribute should return the object it was set to.");

  self.dispatchEvent(new Event("message"));
}, "Setting onmessage to an object");

test(function() {
  var triggered = false;
  var f = function(e) { triggered = true; };
  self.onmessage = f;
  assert_equals(self.onmessage, f,
                "attribute should return the function it was set to.");

  self.dispatchEvent(new Event("message"));
  assert_true(triggered, "event handler should have been triggered");
}, "Setting onmessage to a function");

test(function() {
  assert_not_equals(self.onmessage, null,
                    "attribute should not return null after being set to a function");
  self.onmessage = 1;
  assert_equals(self.onmessage, null,
                "attribute should return null after being set to a primitive");
}, "Setting onmessage to 1 (again)");
