// The error's `message` values in Worker error event handlers are tested.
// While not explicitly specified in the HTML spec, we expect some information
// about thrown errors (e.g. original message, the string "TypeError", etc.)
// to appear in the `message`.
function prepareHandler(t, error, expectedCount) {
let count = 0;
return t.step_func(e => {
/Throw in/,
'e.message should contain the message of the thrown error');
if (error === 'DOMException-TypeError') {
assert_regexp_match(e.message, /TypeError/);
if (count >= expectedCount) {
function expectErrors(worker, error, expectedCount, title) {
async_test(t => {
prepareHandler(t, error, expectedCount));
}, title+ ': listener');
async_test(t => {
worker.onerror = prepareHandler(t, error, expectedCount);
}, title + ': handler');
function runTest(type, error) {
for (const location of ['toplevel',
'onerror']) {
const worker = new Worker(
'throw.js?throw-in-' + location + '&error=' + error,
let expectedCount = 1;
if (location === 'onmessage') {
// This makes the worker's message handler to throw an error.
if (location === 'onerror') {
// This makes the worker's message handler to throw an error,
// AND worker's error handler to throw another error.
// Therefore we expect two errors here.
expectedCount = 2;
expectErrors(worker, error, expectedCount,
'Throw ' + error + ' in ' + location + ': ' + type);