
// This script is meant to be imported by a module worker. It receives a
// message from the worker and responds with the list of imported modules.
const code = 'const sourcePromise = new Promise(resolve => {' +
    '  if (\'DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope\' in self &&' +
    '      self instanceof DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope) {' +
    '    self.onmessage = e => {' +
    '      resolve(;' +
    '    };' +
    '  } else if (\'SharedWorkerGlobalScope\' in self &&' +
    '             self instanceof SharedWorkerGlobalScope) {' +
    '    self.onconnect = e => {' +
    '      resolve(e.ports[0]);' +
    '    };' +
    '  } else if (\'ServiceWorkerGlobalScope\' in self &&' +
    '             self instanceof ServiceWorkerGlobalScope) {' +
    '    self.onmessage = e => {' +
    '      resolve(e.source);' +
    '    };' +
    '  }' +
    '});' +
    'const importedModulesPromise =' +
    '  import(\'./export-on-load-script.js\')' +
    '    .then(module => module.importedModules)' +
    '    .catch(error => `Failed to do dynamic import: ${error}`);' +
    'Promise.all([sourcePromise, importedModulesPromise]).then(results => {' +
    '  const [source, importedModules] = results;' +
    '  source.postMessage(importedModules);' +