
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>SharedWorker: CSP for ES Modules</title>
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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// This Set is for checking a shared worker in each test is newly created.
const existingWorkers = new Set();

async function openWindow(url) {
  const win =, '_blank');
  add_result_callback(() => win.close());
  const msgEvent = await new Promise(resolve => window.onmessage = resolve);
  assert_equals(, 'LOADED');
  return win;

function import_csp_test(
    cspHeader, importType, expectedImportedModules, description) {
  // Append CSP header to windowURL for static import tests since static import
  // scripts should obey Window's CSP.
  const windowURL = `resources/new-shared-worker-window.html` +
      `${importType === 'static'
          ? '?pipe=header(Content-Security-Policy, ' + cspHeader + ')'
          : ''}`;
  // Append CSP header to scriptURL for dynamic import tests since dynamic
  // import scripts should obey SharedWorker script's responce's CSP.
  const scriptURL = `${importType}-import-remote-origin-script-worker.sub.js` +
      `${importType === 'dynamic'
          ? '?pipe=header(Content-Security-Policy, ' + cspHeader + ')'
          : ''}`;
  promise_test(async () => {
    // Open a window that has the given CSP header.
    const win = await openWindow(windowURL);
    // Construct a unique name for SharedWorker.
    const name = `${cspHeader}_${importType}`;
    const workerProperties = { scriptURL, name };
    // Check if this shared worker is newly created.

    // Ask the window to start a shared worker with the given CSP header.
    // The shared worker doesn't inherits the window's CSP header.
    win.postMessage(workerProperties, '*');
    const msg_event = await new Promise(resolve => window.onmessage = resolve);
    assert_array_equals(, expectedImportedModules);
  }, description);

// Tests for static import.
// Static import should obey the worker-src directive and the script-src
// directive. If the both directives are specified, the worker-src directive
// should be prioritized.
// "The script-src directive acts as a default fallback for all script-like
// destinations (including worker-specific destinations if worker-src is not
// present)."

    "worker-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'", "static",
    "worker-src 'self' directive should disallow cross origin static import.");

    "worker-src * 'unsafe-inline'", "static",
    "worker-src * directive should allow cross origin static import.");

    "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'", "static",
    "script-src 'self' directive should disallow cross origin static import.");

    "script-src * 'unsafe-inline'", "static",
    "script-src * directive should allow cross origin static import.");

    "worker-src *; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'", "static",
    "worker-src * directive should override script-src 'self' directive and " +
        "allow cross origin static import.");

    "worker-src 'self'; script-src * 'unsafe-inline'", "static",
    "worker-src 'self' directive should override script-src * directive and " +
        "disallow cross origin static import.");

// Tests for dynamic import.
// Dynamic import should obey SharedWorker script's CSP instead of parent
// Window's CSP.
// Dynamic import should obey the script-src directive instead of the worker-src
// directive according to the specs:
// Dynamic import has the "script" destination.
// Step 3: "Fetch a single module script graph given url, ..., "script", ..."
// The "script" destination should obey the script-src CSP directive.
// "The script-src directive acts as a default fallback for all script-like
// destinations (including worker-specific destinations if worker-src is not
// present)."

    "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'", "dynamic",
    "script-src 'self' directive should disallow cross origin dynamic import.");

    "script-src * 'unsafe-inline'", "dynamic",
    "script-src * directive should allow cross origin dynamic import.");

    "worker-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'", "dynamic",
    "worker-src 'self' directive should not take effect on dynamic import.");
