
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>SharedWorker: ES modules for data URL workers</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>

const import_from_data_url_worker_test = (importType, isDataURL, expectation) => {
  promise_test(async () => {
    const importURL = new URL(`resources/${importType}-import-` +
        `${isDataURL ? 'data-url' : 'script'}-block-cross-origin.js`,
        location.href) + '?pipe=header(Access-Control-Allow-Origin, *)';
    const dataURL = `data:text/javascript,import "${importURL}";`;
    const worker = new SharedWorker(dataURL, { type: 'module' });
    worker.port.postMessage('Send message for tests from main script.');
    const msgEvent = await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{
        worker.port.onmessage = resolve;
        worker.onerror = reject;
    }).catch(e => assert_true(false));

        expectation === 'blocked' ? ['ERROR']
                                  : ['export-block-cross-origin.js']);
  }, `${importType} import ${isDataURL ? 'data url' : 'script'} from data: ` +
     `URL should be ${expectation}.`);

// Static import should obey the outside settings.
// SecurityOrigin of the outside settings is decided by Window.
import_from_data_url_worker_test('static', true, 'allowed');
import_from_data_url_worker_test('static', false, 'allowed');

// Dynamic import should obey the inside settings.
// SecurityOrigin of the inside settings is a unique opaque origin.
// Data url script is cross-origin to the inside settings' SecurityOrigin, but
// dynamic importing it is allowed.
// Step 5: request’s current URL’s scheme is "data" [spec text]
import_from_data_url_worker_test('dynamic', true, 'allowed');

// Non-data url script is cross-origin to the inside settings' SecurityOrigin.
// It should be blocked.
import_from_data_url_worker_test('dynamic', false, 'blocked');
