
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>SharedWorker: Referrer</title>
<meta name="timeout" content="long" />
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>

// This Set is for checking a shared worker in each test is newly created.
const existingWorkers = new Set();

async function openWindow(url) {
  const win =, '_blank');
  add_result_callback(() => win.close());
  const msg_event = await new Promise(resolve => window.onmessage = resolve);
  assert_equals(, 'LOADED');
  return win;

// Removes URL parameters from the given URL string and returns it.
function removeParams(url_string) {
  if (!url_string)
    return url_string;
  let url = new URL(url_string);
  for (var key of url.searchParams.keys())
  return url.href;

// Generates a referrer given a fetchType, referrer policy, and a request URL
// (used to determine whether request is remote-origin or not). This function
// is used to generate expected referrers.
function generateExpectedReferrer(referrerURL, referrerPolicy, requestURL) {
  let generatedReferrer = "";
  if (referrerPolicy === 'no-referrer')
    generatedReferrer = "";
  else if (referrerPolicy === 'origin')
    generatedReferrer = new URL('resources/' + referrerURL, location.href).origin + '/';
  else if (referrerPolicy === 'same-origin')
    generatedReferrer = requestURL.includes('remote') ? "" : new URL('resources/' + referrerURL, location.href).href;
    generatedReferrer = new URL('resources/' + referrerURL, location.href).href;

  return generatedReferrer;

// Runs a referrer policy test with the given settings. This opens a new window
// that starts a shared worker.
// |settings| has options as follows:
//   settings = {
//     scriptURL: 'resources/referrer-checker.sub.js',
//     windowReferrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
//     workerReferrerPolicy: 'same-origin',
//     fetchType: 'top-level' or 'descendant-static' or 'descendant-dynamic'
//   };
// - |scriptURL| is used for starting a new worker.
// - |windowReferrerPolicy| is to set the ReferrerPolicy HTTP header of the
//   window. This policy should be applied to top-level worker module script
//   loading and static imports.
// - |workerReferrerPolicy| is to set the ReferrerPolicy HTTP header of the
//   worker. This policy should be applied to dynamic imports.
// - |fetchType| indicates a script whose referrer will be tested.
function import_referrer_test(settings, description) {
  promise_test(async () => {
    let windowURL = 'resources/new-shared-worker-window.html';
    if (settings.windowReferrerPolicy) {
      windowURL +=
          `?pipe=header(Referrer-Policy, ${settings.windowReferrerPolicy})`;

    let scriptURL = settings.scriptURL;
    if (settings.workerReferrerPolicy) {
      // 'sub' is necessary even if the |scriptURL| contains the '.sub'
      // extension because the extension doesn't work with the 'pipe' parameter.
      // See an issue on the WPT's repository:
      scriptURL +=
          `?pipe=sub|header(Referrer-Policy, ${settings.workerReferrerPolicy})`;

    const win = await openWindow(windowURL);
    // Construct a unique name for SharedWorker.
    const name = `${settings.scriptURL}_` +
        `${settings.windowReferrerPolicy ? settings.windowReferrerPolicy
                                         : settings.workerReferrerPolicy}` +
    const workerProperties = { scriptURL, name };
    // Check if this shared worker is newly created.

    win.postMessage(workerProperties, '*');
    const msgEvent = await new Promise(resolve => window.onmessage = resolve);

    // Generate the expected referrer, given:
    //   - The fetchType of the test
    //   - Referrer URL to be used
    //   - Relevant referrer policy
    //   - Request URL
    let expectedReferrer;
    if (settings.fetchType === 'top-level') {
      // Top-level worker requests have their outgoing referrers set given their
      // containing window's URL and referrer policy.
      expectedReferrer = generateExpectedReferrer('new-shared-worker-window.html', settings.windowReferrerPolicy, settings.scriptURL);
    } else if (settings.fetchType === 'descendant-static') {
      // Static descendant script requests from a worker have their outgoing
      // referrer set given their containing script's URL and containing
      // window's referrer policy.

      // In the below cases, the referrer URL and the request URLs are the same
      // because the initial request (for the top-level worker script) should
      // act as the referrer for future descendant requests.
      expectedReferrer = generateExpectedReferrer(settings.scriptURL, settings.windowReferrerPolicy, settings.scriptURL);
    } else if (settings.fetchType === 'descendant-dynamic') {
      // Dynamic descendant script requests from a worker have their outgoing
      // referrer set given their containing script's URL and referrer policy.
      expectedReferrer = generateExpectedReferrer(settings.scriptURL, settings.workerReferrerPolicy, settings.scriptURL);

    // Delete query parameters from the actual referrer to make it easy to match
    // it with the expected referrer.
    const actualReferrer = removeParams(;

    assert_equals(actualReferrer, expectedReferrer);
  }, description);

// Tests for top-level worker module script loading.
// Top-level worker module scripts should inherit the containing window's
// referrer policy when using the containing window's URL as the referrer.
// [Current document]
// --(open)--> [Window] whose referrer policy is |windowReferrerPolicy|.
//   --(new SharedWorker)--> [SharedWorker] should respect [windowReferrerPolicy|
//                           when using [Window]'s URL as the referrer.

    { scriptURL: '',
      windowReferrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
      fetchType: 'top-level' },
    'Same-origin top-level module script loading with "no-referrer" referrer ' +

    { scriptURL: '',
      windowReferrerPolicy: 'origin',
      fetchType: 'top-level' },
    'Same-origin top-level module script loading with "origin" referrer ' +

    { scriptURL: '',
      windowReferrerPolicy: 'same-origin',
      fetchType: 'top-level' },
    'Same-origin top-level module script loading with "same-origin" referrer ' +

// Tests for static imports.
// Static imports should inherit the containing window's referrer policy when
// using the containing module script's URL as the referrer.
// Note: This is subject to change in the future; see
// [Current document]
// --(open)--> [Window] whose referrer policy is |windowReferrerPolicy|.
//   --(new SharedWorker)--> [SharedWorker]
//     --(static import)--> [Script] should respect |windowReferrerPolicy| when
//                          using [SharedWorker]'s URL as the referrer.

    { scriptURL: 'static-import-same-origin-referrer-checker-worker.js',
      windowReferrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
      fetchType: 'descendant-static' },
    'Same-origin static import with "no-referrer" referrer policy.');

    { scriptURL: 'static-import-same-origin-referrer-checker-worker.js',
      windowReferrerPolicy: 'origin',
      fetchType: 'descendant-static' },
    'Same-origin static import with "origin" referrer policy.');

    { scriptURL: 'static-import-same-origin-referrer-checker-worker.js',
      windowReferrerPolicy: 'same-origin',
      fetchType: 'descendant-static' },
    'Same-origin static import with "same-origin" referrer policy.');

    { scriptURL: 'static-import-remote-origin-referrer-checker-worker.sub.js',
      windowReferrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
      fetchType: 'descendant-static' },
    'Cross-origin static import with "no-referrer" referrer policy.');

    { scriptURL: 'static-import-remote-origin-referrer-checker-worker.sub.js',
      windowReferrerPolicy: 'origin',
      fetchType: 'descendant-static' },
    'Cross-origin static import with "origin" referrer policy.');

    { scriptURL: 'static-import-remote-origin-referrer-checker-worker.sub.js',
      windowReferrerPolicy: 'same-origin',
      fetchType: 'descendant-static' },
    'Cross-origin static import with "same-origin" referrer policy.');

// Tests for dynamic imports.
// Dynamic imports should inherit the containing script's referrer policy if
// set, and use the default referrer policy otherwise, when using the
// containing script's URL as the referrer.
// [Current document]
// --(open)--> [Window]
//   --(new SharedWorker)--> [SharedWorker] whose referrer policy is
//                           |workerReferrerPolicy|.
//     --(dynamic import)--> [Script] should respect |workerReferrerPolicy| when
//                           using [SharedWorker]'s URL as the referrer.

    { scriptURL: 'dynamic-import-same-origin-referrer-checker-worker.js',
      workerReferrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
      fetchType: 'descendant-dynamic' },
    'Same-origin dynamic import with "no-referrer" referrer policy.');

    { scriptURL: 'dynamic-import-same-origin-referrer-checker-worker.js',
      workerReferrerPolicy: 'origin',
      fetchType: 'descendant-dynamic' },
    'Same-origin dynamic import with "origin" referrer policy.');

    { scriptURL: 'dynamic-import-same-origin-referrer-checker-worker.js',
      workerReferrerPolicy: 'same-origin',
      fetchType: 'descendant-dynamic' },
    'Same-origin dynamic import with "same-origin" referrer policy.');

    { scriptURL: 'dynamic-import-remote-origin-referrer-checker-worker.sub.js',
      workerReferrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
      fetchType: 'descendant-dynamic' },
    'Cross-origin dynamic import with "no-referrer" referrer policy.');

    { scriptURL: 'dynamic-import-remote-origin-referrer-checker-worker.sub.js',
      workerReferrerPolicy: 'origin',
      fetchType: 'descendant-dynamic' },
    'Cross-origin dynamic import with "origin" referrer policy.');

    { scriptURL: 'dynamic-import-remote-origin-referrer-checker-worker.sub.js',
      workerReferrerPolicy: 'same-origin',
      fetchType: 'descendant-dynamic' },
    'Cross-origin dynamic import with "same-origin" referrer policy.');
