
def main(request, response):
    origin = request.GET.first(b"origin");
    value = request.GET.first(b"value");
    # This is used to solve the race condition we have for postMessages
    shouldSucceed = request.GET.first(b"loadShouldSucceed", b"false");
    return ([(b"Content-Type", b"text/html")],
            b"""<!DOCTYPE html>
  var gotMessage = false;
  window.addEventListener("message", e => {
    gotMessage = true;
    window.parent.postMessage(, "*");

  var i = document.createElement("iframe");
  i.src = "%s/x-frame-options/support/";
  i.onload = _ => {
    // Why 100ms timeout? Because that seems to be enough to stop the
    // load event from racing with the onmessage event, and it's at least
    // as long as the two renderAnimationFrame calls that used to be here.
    setTimeout(_ => {
      // The race condition problem we have is it is possible
      // that the sub iframe is loaded before the postMessage is
      // dispatched, as a result, the "Failed" message is sent
      // out. So the way we fixed is we simply let the timeout
      // to happen if we expect the "Loaded" postMessage to be
      // sent
      if (!gotMessage && %s != true) {
        window.parent.postMessage("Failed", "*");
    }, 100);
            """ % (origin, value, shouldSucceed))