// See also /fetch/range/blob.any.js
const supportedBlobRange = [
name: "A simple blob range request.",
data: ["A simple Hello, World! example"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=9-21",
content_length: 13,
content_range: "bytes 9-21/30",
result: "Hello, World!",
name: "A blob range request with no type.",
data: ["A simple Hello, World! example"],
type: undefined,
range: "bytes=9-21",
content_length: 13,
content_range: "bytes 9-21/30",
result: "Hello, World!",
name: "A blob range request with no end.",
data: ["Range with no end"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=11-",
content_length: 6,
content_range: "bytes 11-16/17",
result: "no end",
name: "A blob range request with no start.",
data: ["Range with no start"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=-8",
content_length: 8,
content_range: "bytes 11-18/19",
result: "no start",
name: "A simple blob range request with whitespace.",
data: ["A simple Hello, World! example"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes= \t9-21",
content_length: 13,
content_range: "bytes 9-21/30",
result: "Hello, World!",
name: "Blob content with short content and a large range end",
data: ["Not much here"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=4-100000000000",
content_length: 9,
content_range: "bytes 4-12/13",
result: "much here",
name: "Blob content with short content and a range end matching content length",
data: ["Not much here"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=4-13",
content_length: 9,
content_range: "bytes 4-12/13",
result: "much here",
name: "Blob range with whitespace before and after hyphen",
data: ["Valid whitespace #1"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=5 - 10",
content_length: 6,
content_range: "bytes 5-10/19",
result: " white",
name: "Blob range with whitespace after hyphen",
data: ["Valid whitespace #2"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=-\t 5",
content_length: 5,
content_range: "bytes 14-18/19",
result: "ce #2",
name: "Blob range with whitespace around equals sign",
data: ["Valid whitespace #3"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes \t =\t 6-",
content_length: 13,
content_range: "bytes 6-18/19",
result: "whitespace #3",
const unsupportedBlobRange = [
name: "Blob range with no value",
data: ["Blob range should have a value"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "",
name: "Blob range with incorrect range header",
data: ["A"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "byte=0-"
name: "Blob range with incorrect range header #2",
data: ["A"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes"
name: "Blob range with incorrect range header #3",
data: ["A"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes\t \t"
name: "Blob range request with multiple range values",
data: ["Multiple ranges are not currently supported"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=0-5,15-",
name: "Blob range request with multiple range values and whitespace",
data: ["Multiple ranges are not currently supported"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=0-5, 15-",
name: "Blob range request with trailing comma",
data: ["Range with invalid trailing comma"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=0-5,",
name: "Blob range with no start or end",
data: ["Range with no start or end"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=-",
name: "Blob range request with short range end",
data: ["Range end should be greater than range start"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=10-5",
name: "Blob range start should be an ASCII digit",
data: ["Range start must be an ASCII digit"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=x-5",
name: "Blob range should have a dash",
data: ["Blob range should have a dash"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=5",
name: "Blob range end should be an ASCII digit",
data: ["Range end must be an ASCII digit"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=5-x",
name: "Blob range should include '-'",
data: ["Range end must include '-'"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=x",
name: "Blob range should include '='",
data: ["Range end must include '='"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes 5-",
name: "Blob range should include 'bytes='",
data: ["Range end must include 'bytes='"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "5-",
name: "Blob content with short content and a large range start",
data: ["Not much here"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=100000-",
name: "Blob content with short content and a range start matching the content length",
data: ["Not much here"],
type: "text/plain",
range: "bytes=13-",
supportedBlobRange.forEach(({ name, data, type, range, content_length, content_range, result }) => {
promise_test(async t => {
const blob = new Blob(data, { "type" : type });
const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
t.add_cleanup(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(blobURL));
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", blobURL);
xhr.responseType = "text";
xhr.setRequestHeader("Range", range);
await new Promise(resolve => {
xhr.onloadend = resolve;
assert_equals(xhr.status, 206, "HTTP status is 206");
assert_equals(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"), type || "", "Content-Type is " + xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"));
assert_equals(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Length"), content_length.toString(), "Content-Length is " + xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Length"));
assert_equals(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Range"), content_range, "Content-Range is " + xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Range"));
assert_equals(xhr.responseText, result, "Response's body is correct");
const all = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders().toLowerCase();
assert_true(all.includes(`content-type: ${type || ""}`), "Expected Content-Type in getAllResponseHeaders()");
assert_true(all.includes(`content-length: ${content_length}`), "Expected Content-Length in getAllResponseHeaders()");
assert_true(all.includes(`content-range: ${content_range}`), "Expected Content-Range in getAllResponseHeaders()")
}, name);
unsupportedBlobRange.forEach(({ name, data, type, range }) => {
promise_test(t => {
const blob = new Blob(data, { "type" : type });
const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
t.add_cleanup(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(blobURL));
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", blobURL, false);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Range", range);
assert_throws_dom("NetworkError", () => xhr.send());
xhr.open("GET", blobURL);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Range", range);
xhr.responseType = "text";
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
xhr.onload = reject;
xhr.onerror = resolve;
}, name);