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t => { return zeroSizeReadback("width", "none", t); },
"Verify convertToBlob on a 0 width OffscreenCanvas with no context."
t => { return zeroSizeReadback("width", "2d", t); },
"Verify convertToBlob and getImageData on a 0 width OffscreenCanvas with a 2d context."
t => { return zeroSizeReadback("width", "webgl", t); },
"Verify convertToBlob on a 0 width OffscreenCanvas with a webgl context."
t => { return zeroSizeReadback("width", "webgl2", t); },
"Verify convertToBlob on a 0 width OffscreenCanvas with a webgl2 context."
t => { return zeroSizeReadback("height", "none", t); },
"Verify convertToBlob on a 0 height OffscreenCanvas with no context."
t => { return zeroSizeReadback("height", "2d", t); },
"Verify convertToBlob and getImageData on a 0 height OffscreenCanvas with a 2d context."
t => { return zeroSizeReadback("height", "webgl", t); },
"Verify convertToBlob on a 0 height OffscreenCanvas with a webgl context."
t => { return zeroSizeReadback("height", "webgl2", t); },
"Verify convertToBlob on a 0 height OffscreenCanvas with a webgl2 context."
function zeroSizeReadback(zeroDimension, contextType, t) {
var offscreen = new OffscreenCanvas(10, 10);
eval("offscreen." + zeroDimension + " = 0");
// Verify that one of the dimensions was indeed zeroed.
assert_equals(offscreen.width * offscreen.height, 0);
var ctx;
if (contextType != "none") {
ctx = offscreen.getContext(contextType);
if (contextType == '2d') {
var imgdata = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1);
assert_equals(imgdata.width, 1);
assert_equals(imgdata.height, 1);
return promise_rejects_dom(t, 'IndexSizeError', offscreen.convertToBlob());