
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<style id=style></style>
<div id=target></div>

// This test verifies that <transform-function> has reasonable behavior while
// we wait for to be
// resolved.
// Ultimately, properties registered with <transform-function> should be
// representable as stand-alone CSSTransformComponents, in which case this
// test file will no longer be valid.

  name: '--tf',
  syntax: '<transform-function>',
  initialValue: 'rotateX(0deg)',
  inherits: false

test(() => {
  let value = CSSStyleValue.parse('--tf', 'translateX(0px)');
  assert_true(value instanceof CSSUnparsedValue);
}, 'Result of CSSStyleValue.parse for <transform-function> is a CSSUnparsedValue');

test(() => { = '--tf: translateX(0px)';
  let value = target.attributeStyleMap.get('--tf');
  assert_true(value instanceof CSSUnparsedValue); = '';
}, 'Result of attributeStyleMap.get for <transform-function> is a CSSUnparsedValue');

test(() => {
  style.textContent = '#target { --tf: translateX(0px); }';
  let styleMap = style.sheet.rules[0].styleMap;
  let value = styleMap.get('--tf');
  assert_true(value instanceof CSSUnparsedValue);
  style.textContent = '';
}, 'Result of styleMap.get for <transform-function> is a CSSUnparsedValue');

test(() => {
  let value = target.computedStyleMap().get('--tf');
  assert_equals(value.constructor, CSSStyleValue);
}, 'Result of computedstyleMap.get for <transform-function> is a direct CSSStyleValue');
