
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
  === Warning ===

  This file intentionally contains scpecial characters which
  cannot be displayed by some text editors. Please
  carefully edit the file.

/* basic */
#a61_a { color: red; }
#b61_\61 { color: green; }

#a65530_ { color: red; }
#b65530_\fffa { color: green; }

#a65532_ { color: red; }
#b65532_\fffc { color: green; }

#a65533_� { color: red; }
#b65533_\fffd { color: green; }

/* above the 0xffff */
#a65536_𐀀 { color: red; }
#b65536_\10000 { color: green; }

#a119558_𝌆 { color: red; }
#b119558_\01d306 { color: green; }


function runTest()
    if (window.testRunner)

    var rules = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules;
    var text = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
        text += rules.item(i).cssText;
        text += "\n";


    if (document.getElementById("result") === document.getElementById("expected")
        document.getElementById("message") = "SUCCESS";
        document.getElementById("message") = "FAILURE";



<body onload="runTest()">

<p>Test parsing of CSS surrogate pairs.</p>

<p id="message">TEST DID NOT COMPLETE</p>

<p>Rules from the stylesheet:</p>

<pre id="result"></pre>

<p>Expected result:</p>

<pre id="expected">#a61_a { color: red; }
#b61_a { color: green; }
#a65530_ { color: red; }
#b65530_ { color: green; }
#a65532_ { color: red; }
#b65532_ { color: green; }
#a65533_� { color: red; }
#b65533_� { color: green; }
#a65536_𐀀 { color: red; }
#b65536_𐀀 { color: green; }
#a119558_𝌆 { color: red; }
#b119558_𝌆 { color: green; }
