
function load() {
    if (window.testRunner)
    str = "";
    for (i=0;i<10;i++)
      str += "Hostname is " + document.links[i].hostname + ". Host is " + document.links[i].host + "<br>";
    document.getElementById("hostname_host").innerHTML = str;
<body onload="load()">
<a  href="">http with default port</a><br>
<a  href="">https with default port</a><br>
<a  href="">ftp with default port</a><br>
<a  href="">http with non-default port</a><br>
<a  href="">https with non-default port</a><br>
<a  href="">ftp with non-default port</a><br>
<a  href="">http without port</a><br>
<a  href="">https without port</a><br>
<a  href="">ftp without port</a><br>
<a  href="">http with port 0</a><br>
<span id="hostname_host"></span>
