// TODO(yuzus): These two functions below need cleaning up. They are currently
// from js-test.js.
function getOrCreateTestElement(id, tagName)
var element = document.getElementById(id);
if (element)
return element;
element = document.createElement(tagName);
element.id = id;
var refNode;
var parent = document.body || document.documentElement;
if (id == "description")
refNode = getOrCreateTestElement("console", "div");
refNode = parent.firstChild;
parent.insertBefore(element, refNode);
return element;
function debug(msg)
if (self._lazyTestResults) {
} else {
var span = document.createElement("span");
// insert it first so XHTML knows the namespace;
getOrCreateTestElement("console", "div").appendChild(span);
span.innerHTML = msg + '<br />';
function createShadowRoot()
var children = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
if ((children[0] instanceof Object) && !(children[0] instanceof Node))
return attachShadow.apply(null, children);
return {'isShadowRoot': true,
'children': children};
// TODO(kochi): This is not pure attachShadow wrapper, but also handles createShadowRoot()
// with attributes.
function attachShadow()
var children = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var attributes = {};
var parameter = {};
for (var key in children[0]) {
if (key == 'mode' || key == 'delegatesFocus')
parameter[key] = children[0][key];
attributes[key] = children[0][key];
return {'isShadowRoot': true,
'parameter': parameter,
'attributes': attributes,
'children': children.slice(1)};
function createUserAgentShadowRoot()
var shadowRoot = createShadowRoot.apply(null, arguments);
shadowRoot.isUserAgentShadowRoot = true;
return shadowRoot;
// This function can take optional child elements, which might be a result of createShadowRoot(), as arguments[2:].
function createDOM(tagName, attributes)
var element = document.createElement(tagName);
for (var name in attributes)
element.setAttribute(name, attributes[name]);
var childElements = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
for (var i = 0; i < childElements.length; ++i) {
var child = childElements[i];
if (child.isShadowRoot) {
var shadowRoot;
if (child.isUserAgentShadowRoot) {
shadowRoot = internals.createUserAgentShadowRoot(element);
} else {
if (child.parameter && Object.keys(child.parameter).length > 0)
shadowRoot = element.attachShadow(child.parameter);
shadowRoot = element.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
if (child.attributes) {
for (var attribute in child.attributes) {
// Shadow Root does not have setAttribute.
shadowRoot[attribute] = child.attributes[attribute];
for (var j = 0; j < child.children.length; ++j)
} else
return element;
function isShadowHost(node)
return internals.shadowRoot(node);
function isShadowRoot(node)
return node instanceof window.ShadowRoot;
function isIframeElement(element)
return element && element.nodeName == 'IFRAME';
function getNodeInComposedTree(path)
var ids = path.split('/');
var node = document.getElementById(ids[0]);
for (var i = 1; node != null && i < ids.length; ++i) {
if (isIframeElement(node)) {
node = node.contentDocument.getElementById(ids[i]);
if (internals.shadowRoot(node))
node = internals.shadowRoot(node);
return null;
if (ids[i] != '')
node = node.getElementById(ids[i]);
return node;
function dumpNode(node)
if (!node)
return 'null';
if (node.id)
return '#' + node.id;
return '' + node;
function dumpNodeList(nodeList) {
var result = "";
var length = nodeList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
result += dumpNode(nodeList[i]) + ", ";
result += "length: " + length;
return result;
function shouldBeEqualAsArray(nodeList, expectedNodes)
// FIXME: Avoid polluting the global namespace.
window.nodeList = nodeList;
window.expectedNodes = expectedNodes;
shouldBe("nodeList.length", "expectedNodes.length");
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) {
shouldBe("nodeList.item(" + i + ")", "expectedNodes[" + i + "]");
function innermostActiveElement(element)
element = element || document.activeElement;
if (isIframeElement(element)) {
if (element.contentDocument.activeElement)
return innermostActiveElement(element.contentDocument.activeElement);
return element;
if (isShadowHost(element)) {
var shadowRoot = internals.shadowRoot(element);
if (shadowRoot) {
if (shadowRoot.activeElement)
return innermostActiveElement(shadowRoot.activeElement);
return element;
function isInnermostActiveElement(id)
var element = getNodeInComposedTree(id);
if (!element) {
debug('FAIL: There is no such element with id: '+ id);
return false;
if (element == innermostActiveElement())
return true;
debug('Expected innermost activeElement is ' + id + ', but actual innermost activeElement is ' + dumpNode(innermostActiveElement()));
return false;
function shouldNavigateFocus(from, to, direction)
debug('Should move from ' + from + ' to ' + to + ' in ' + direction);
var fromElement = getNodeInComposedTree(from);
if (!fromElement) {
debug('FAIL: There is no such element with id: '+ from);
if (!isInnermostActiveElement(from)) {
debug('FAIL: Can not be focused: '+ from);
if (direction == 'forward')
if (isInnermostActiveElement(to))
return isInnermostActiveElement(to);
function navigateFocusForward()
function navigateFocusBackward()
eventSender.keyDown('\t', ['shiftKey']);
function testFocusNavigationForward(elements)
for (var i = 0; i + 1 < elements.length; ++i)
shouldNavigateFocus(elements[i], elements[i + 1], 'forward');
function testFocusNavigationBackward(elements)
for (var i = 0; i + 1 < elements.length; ++i)
shouldNavigateFocus(elements[i], elements[i + 1], 'backward');
function dumpFlatTree(node, indent)
indent = indent || "";
var output = indent + dumpNode(node) + "\n";
var child;
for (child = internals.firstChildInFlatTree(node); child; child = internals.nextSiblingInFlatTree(child))
output += dumpFlatTree(child, indent + "\t");
return output;
function lastNodeInFlatTree(root)
var lastNode = root;
while (internals.lastChildInFlatTree(lastNode))
lastNode = internals.lastChildInFlatTree(lastNode);
return lastNode;
function showFlatTreeByTraversingInForward(root)
var node = root;
var last = lastNodeInFlatTree(root);
while (node) {
if (node == last)
node = internals.nextInFlatTree(node);
function showFlatTreeByTraversingInBackward(root)
var node = lastNodeInFlatTree(root);
while (node) {
if (node == root)
node = internals.previousInFlatTree(node);
function showFlatTree(node)
debug('Flat Tree:');
debug('Traverse in forward.');
debug('Traverse in backward.');
function showNextNode(node)
var next = internals.nextInFlatTree(node);
debug('Next node of [' + dumpNode(node) + '] is [' + dumpNode(next) + ']');
function backgroundColorOf(selector)
return window.getComputedStyle(getNodeInComposedTree(selector)).backgroundColor;
function backgroundColorShouldBe(selector, expected)
shouldBeEqualToString('backgroundColorOf(\'' + selector + '\')', expected);
function backgroundColorShouldNotBe(selector, color)
var text = 'backgroundColorOf(\'' + selector + '\')';
var unevaledString = '"' + color.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/"/g, "\"") + '"';
shouldNotBe(text, unevaledString);
function getElementByIdConsideringShadowDOM(root, id) {
function iter(root, id) {
if (!root)
return null;
if (root.id == id)
return root;
// We don't collect div having a shadow root, since we cannot point it correctly.
// Such div should have an inner div to be pointed correctly.
for (var child = root.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) {
var node = iter(child, id);
if (node != null)
return node;
if (root.nodeType != 1)
return null;
var shadowRoot = internals.shadowRoot(root);
if (shadowRoot) {
var node = iter(shadowRoot, id);
if (node != null)
return node;
return null;
if (!window.internals)
return null;
return iter(root, id);