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description("This tests the constructor for the MIDIMessageEvent DOM class.");
// No initializer is passed.
shouldBe("new MIDIMessageEvent('eventType').bubbles", "false");
shouldBe("new MIDIMessageEvent('eventType').cancelable", "false");
shouldBe("new MIDIMessageEvent('eventType').data", "null");
// bubbles is passed.
shouldBe("new MIDIMessageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: false }).bubbles", "false");
shouldBe("new MIDIMessageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true }).bubbles", "true");
// cancelable is passed.
shouldBe("new MIDIMessageEvent('eventType', { cancelable: false }).cancelable", "false");
shouldBe("new MIDIMessageEvent('eventType', { cancelable: true }).cancelable", "true");
// data is passed.
var data = new Uint8Array(16);
shouldEvaluateTo("new MIDIMessageEvent('eventType', { data: data }).data", data);
// All initializers are passed.
data = new Uint8Array(3);
shouldBe("new MIDIMessageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, data: data }).bubbles", "true");
shouldBe("new MIDIMessageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, data: data }).cancelable", "true");
shouldEvaluateTo("new MIDIMessageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, data: data }).data", data);
data = new Uint8Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(3));
shouldThrow("new MIDIMessageEvent('eventType', { data: data })");