
This tests the constructor for the StorageEvent DOM class.

On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".

PASS new StorageEvent('eventType').bubbles is false
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType').cancelable is false
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType').key is null
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType').oldValue is null
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType').newValue is null
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType').url is ""
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType').storageArea is null
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: false }).bubbles is false
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true }).bubbles is true
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { cancelable: false }).cancelable is false
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { cancelable: true }).cancelable is true
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: 'abcde' }).key is "abcde"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: '' }).key is ""
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: false }).key is "false"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: true }).key is "true"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: 12345 }).key is "12345"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: 18446744073709551615 }).key is "18446744073709552000"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: NaN }).key is "NaN"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: [] }).key is ""
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: [1, 2, 3] }).key is "1,2,3"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: {abcde: 12345} }).key is "[object Object]"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: {valueOf: function () { return 'abcde'; } } }).key is "[object Object]"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: 'abcde' }).oldValue is "abcde"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: '' }).oldValue is ""
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: false }).oldValue is "false"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: true }).oldValue is "true"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: 12345 }).oldValue is "12345"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: 18446744073709551615 }).oldValue is "18446744073709552000"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: NaN }).oldValue is "NaN"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: [] }).oldValue is ""
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: [1, 2, 3] }).oldValue is "1,2,3"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: {abcde: 12345} }).oldValue is "[object Object]"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: {valueOf: function () { return 'abcde'; } } }).oldValue is "[object Object]"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: 'abcde' }).newValue is "abcde"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: '' }).newValue is ""
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: false }).newValue is "false"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: true }).newValue is "true"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: 12345 }).newValue is "12345"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: 18446744073709551615 }).newValue is "18446744073709552000"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: NaN }).newValue is "NaN"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: [] }).newValue is ""
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: [1, 2, 3] }).newValue is "1,2,3"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: {abcde: 12345} }).newValue is "[object Object]"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: {valueOf: function () { return 'abcde'; } } }).newValue is "[object Object]"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: 'abcde' }).url is "abcde"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: '' }).url is ""
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: false }).url is "false"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: true }).url is "true"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: 12345 }).url is "12345"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: 18446744073709551615 }).url is "18446744073709552000"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: NaN }).url is "NaN"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: [] }).url is ""
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: [1, 2, 3] }).url is "1,2,3"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: {abcde: 12345} }).url is "[object Object]"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: {valueOf: function () { return 'abcde'; } } }).url is "[object Object]"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: undefined }).key is null
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { key: null }).key is null
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: undefined }).oldValue is null
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { oldValue: null }).oldValue is null
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: undefined }).newValue is null
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { newValue: null }).newValue is null
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: undefined }).url is ""
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { url: null }).url is "null"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: localStorage }).storageArea is localStorage
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: sessionStorage }).storageArea is sessionStorage
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: test_object }).storageArea threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'StorageEvent': Failed to read the 'storageArea' property from 'StorageEventInit': Failed to convert value to 'Storage'..
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: window }).storageArea threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'StorageEvent': Failed to read the 'storageArea' property from 'StorageEventInit': Failed to convert value to 'Storage'..
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: document }).storageArea threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'StorageEvent': Failed to read the 'storageArea' property from 'StorageEventInit': Failed to convert value to 'Storage'..
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: undefined }).storageArea is null
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: null }).storageArea is null
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: false }).storageArea threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'StorageEvent': Failed to read the 'storageArea' property from 'StorageEventInit': Failed to convert value to 'Storage'..
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: true }).storageArea threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'StorageEvent': Failed to read the 'storageArea' property from 'StorageEventInit': Failed to convert value to 'Storage'..
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: '' }).storageArea threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'StorageEvent': Failed to read the 'storageArea' property from 'StorageEventInit': Failed to convert value to 'Storage'..
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: 'chocolate' }).storageArea threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'StorageEvent': Failed to read the 'storageArea' property from 'StorageEventInit': Failed to convert value to 'Storage'..
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: 12345 }).storageArea threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'StorageEvent': Failed to read the 'storageArea' property from 'StorageEventInit': Failed to convert value to 'Storage'..
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: 18446744073709551615 }).storageArea threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'StorageEvent': Failed to read the 'storageArea' property from 'StorageEventInit': Failed to convert value to 'Storage'..
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: NaN }).storageArea threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'StorageEvent': Failed to read the 'storageArea' property from 'StorageEventInit': Failed to convert value to 'Storage'..
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { storageArea: {valueOf: function () { return window; } } }).storageArea == window threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'StorageEvent': Failed to read the 'storageArea' property from 'StorageEventInit': Failed to convert value to 'Storage'..
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { get storageArea() { return localStorage; } }).storageArea is localStorage
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { get storageArea() { return 123; } }).storageArea threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'StorageEvent': Failed to read the 'storageArea' property from 'StorageEventInit': Failed to convert value to 'Storage'..
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { get storageArea() { throw 'StorageEvent Error'; } }) threw exception StorageEvent Error.
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: false, key: 'abc', oldValue: 'def', newValue: 'ghi', url: 'jkl', storageArea: localStorage }).bubbles is true
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: false, cancelable: true, key: 'abc', oldValue: 'def', newValue: 'ghi', url: 'jkl', storageArea: localStorage }).cancelable is true
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, key: 'abc', oldValue: 'def', newValue: 'ghi', url: 'jkl', storageArea: localStorage }).key is "abc"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, key: 'abc', oldValue: 'def', newValue: 'ghi', url: 'jkl', storageArea: localStorage }).oldValue is "def"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, key: 'abc', oldValue: 'def', newValue: 'ghi', url: 'jkl', storageArea: localStorage }).newValue is "ghi"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, key: 'abc', oldValue: 'def', newValue: 'ghi', url: 'jkl', storageArea: localStorage }).url is "jkl"
PASS new StorageEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, key: 'abc', oldValue: 'def', newValue: 'ghi', url: 'jkl', storageArea: localStorage }).storageArea is localStorage
PASS successfullyParsed is true