<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>This test ensures selectstart event fires when selection is created by arrow key and script can prevent the selection change.</p>
If running this test manually, click on the div ("Hello World") and try to select the text using arrow keys.<br>
Expected result: SelectStart event will fire when user starts extending the selection, but due to script preventDefault it prevents the selection change.<br>
<div contenteditable>Hello World</div>
var selectStartCount = 0;
var div = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
div.addEventListener('selectstart', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); selectStartCount++; });
window.getSelection().collapse(div.firstChild, 1);
if (window.testRunner) {
eventSender.keyDown("ArrowRight", ["shiftKey"]);
logResult("Check Right arrow + Shift", 1);
eventSender.keyDown("ArrowRight", ["shiftKey"], ["ctrlKey"]);
logResult("Check Right arrow + Shift + Control", 2);
eventSender.keyDown("End", ["shiftKey"]);
logResult("Check End + Shift", 3);
function logResult(title, expectedCount) {
var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
document.write(title + ': ');
if (selectStartCount != expectedCount)
document.write('FAIL - expected ' + expectedCount + ' events but got ' + selectStartCount + ' events');
else if (range.startOffset != 1 || range.endOffset != 1)
document.write('FAIL - selection changed');