<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../resources/js-test.js"></script>
<script src="resources/blob-slice-common.js"></script>
description("Test the Blob.slice() behavior for Blobs made of multiple parts.");
var sliceTestCases = [
[2, 3, "2"],
[2, 12, "23456789"],
[2, 2, ""],
[2, 1, ""],
[2, -12, ""],
[2, 2147483647, "23456789"],
[2, -2147483648, ""],
[2, 9223372036854775000, "23456789"],
[2, -9223372036854775000, ""],
[-2, -1, "8"],
[-2, -2, ""],
[-2, -3, ""],
[-2, -12, ""],
[-2, 2147483647, "89"],
[-2, -2147483648, ""],
[-2, 9223372036854775000, "89"],
[-2, -9223372036854775000, ""],
[0, null, "0123456789"],
[2, null, "23456789"],
[-2, null, "89"],
[12, null, ""],
[-12, null, "0123456789"],
[2147483647, null, ""],
[-2147483648, null, "0123456789"],
[9223372036854775000, null, ""],
[-9223372036854775000, null, "0123456789"],
[null, null, "0123456789"],
function runTests()
blob = new Blob(["0", new File(["12"], "slice-piece.txt"),
new Blob(["345"]), "6789"]);
file = new File(["0", new File(["12"], "slice-piece.txt"),
new Blob(["345"]), "6789"], "slice-text.txt");
window.jsTestIsAsync = true;
<body onload="runTests()">
<pre id='console'></pre>