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<title>Test that FileReader.result returns the same result regardless of whether it's from cache or not by getting it twice.</title>
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function setupHandlers(test, reader, expectedResult)
    reader.onabort = test.step_func(function() {
        assert_unreached("onabort invoked on reader");
    reader.onerror = test.step_func(function() {
        assert_unreached("onerror invoked on reader");
    reader.onloadend = test.step_func(function() {
        assert_equals(reader.readyState, reader.DONE,
        assert_equals(reader.error, null, "reader.error");
        // Read result attribute twice to go through Blink's code path for
        // caching converted result and reading from the cache.
        assert_equals(reader.result, expectedResult, "reader.result");
        assert_equals(reader.result, expectedResult, "reader.result");

var blob = new Blob(["HelloWorld"], {"type": "text/plain;charset=us-ascii"});

var testBinaryString = async_test("Read from a blob as a binary string");
testBinaryString.step(function() {
    var reader = new FileReader();
    setupHandlers(testBinaryString, reader, "HelloWorld");

var testText = async_test("Read from a blob as a text");
testText.step(function() {
    var reader = new FileReader();
    setupHandlers(testText, reader, "HelloWorld");

var testDataURL = async_test("Read from a blob as a data URL");
testDataURL.step(function() {
    var reader = new FileReader();
    setupHandlers(testDataURL, reader, "data:text/plain;charset=us-ascii;base64,SGVsbG9Xb3JsZA==");