
This test checks validity.customError.

On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".

Set some value for customError.
PASS customErrorFor("fieldset-set") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-set") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-button-set") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-reset-set") is true
PASS customErrorFor("select-set") is true
PASS customErrorFor("textarea-set") is true
PASS customErrorFor("input-set") is true
PASS customErrorFor("input-submit-set") is true

Set some value for customError, and clear it.
PASS customErrorFor("fieldset-set-and-empty") is false
PASS customErrorFor("button-set-and-empty") is false
PASS customErrorFor("button-button-set-and-empty") is false
PASS customErrorFor("button-reset-set-and-empty") is false
PASS customErrorFor("select-set-and-empty") is false
PASS customErrorFor("textarea-set-and-empty") is false
PASS customErrorFor("input-set-and-empty") is false
PASS customErrorFor("input-submit-set-and-empty") is false

Not any changes for customError.
PASS customErrorFor("fieldset-no-changes") is false
PASS customErrorFor("button-no-changes") is false
PASS customErrorFor("button-button-no-changes") is false
PASS customErrorFor("button-reset-no-changes") is false
PASS customErrorFor("select-no-changes") is false
PASS customErrorFor("textarea-no-changes") is false
PASS customErrorFor("input-no-changes") is false
PASS customErrorFor("input-submit-no-changes") is false

Many changes for customError:
Set some value, and set with no arguments.
PASS setCustomValidity() threw Failed to execute 'setCustomValidity' on 'HTMLFieldSetElement': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.
PASS setCustomValidity() threw Failed to execute 'setCustomValidity' on 'HTMLButtonElement': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.
PASS setCustomValidity() threw Failed to execute 'setCustomValidity' on 'HTMLButtonElement': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.
PASS setCustomValidity() threw Failed to execute 'setCustomValidity' on 'HTMLButtonElement': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.
PASS setCustomValidity() threw Failed to execute 'setCustomValidity' on 'HTMLSelectElement': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.
PASS setCustomValidity() threw Failed to execute 'setCustomValidity' on 'HTMLTextAreaElement': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.
PASS setCustomValidity() threw Failed to execute 'setCustomValidity' on 'HTMLInputElement': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.
PASS setCustomValidity() threw Failed to execute 'setCustomValidity' on 'HTMLInputElement': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.
PASS customErrorFor("fieldset-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-button-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-reset-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("select-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("textarea-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("input-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("input-submit-many-changes") is true
Set with three arguments.
PASS customErrorFor("fieldset-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-button-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-reset-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("select-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("textarea-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("input-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("input-submit-many-changes") is true
Set null.
PASS customErrorFor("fieldset-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-button-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-reset-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("select-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("textarea-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("input-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("input-submit-many-changes") is true
Set some value, and set undefined.
PASS customErrorFor("fieldset-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-button-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("button-reset-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("select-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("textarea-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("input-many-changes") is true
PASS customErrorFor("input-submit-many-changes") is true

PASS successfullyParsed is true