<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/common.js"></script>
<p><input type=text id=start></p>
<div contenteditable=true><input type=date id=date></div>
function testSelectionOnDateFocus(focusFunction) {
const textField = document.querySelector('#start');
const sel = getSelection();
// Physical text selection is in the text field shadow DOM.
// Web-exposed text slection points [p, 0].
assert_equals(sel.anchorNode, textField.parentNode, 'prereq: anchorNode');
assert_equals(sel.anchorOffset, 0, 'prereq: anchorOffset');
assert_equals(sel.focusNode, textField.parentNode, 'prereq: focusNode');
assert_equals(sel.focusOffset, 0, 'prereq: focusOffset');
const date = document.querySelector('#date');
assert_equals(document.activeElement, date,
'The date field should get focused.');
// Physical text selection is in the date field shadow DOM.
// Web-exposed text slection points [div, 0].
assert_equals(sel.anchorNode, date.parentNode, 'anchorNode');
assert_equals(sel.anchorOffset, 0, 'anchorOffset');
assert_equals(sel.focusNode, date.parentNode, 'focusNode');
assert_equals(sel.focusOffset, 0, 'focusOffset');
test(() => {
testSelectionOnDateFocus(date => date.focus());
}, 'crbug.com/1034854; We had a bug that text selection was not in a focused date input; programatic focus');
test(() => {
// clickElement() is defined in common.js.
}, 'crbug.com/1034854; We had a bug that text selection was not in a focused date input; click focus');