<title>Input (type="image") Align</title>
<p>The following 4 images should be all be rendered exactly the same, aligned to the right side.</p>
<input type='image' align='right' src='../resources/apple.gif' />
<input align='right' src='../resources/apple.gif' type='image' />
<input type='image' id='test1' src='../resources/apple.gif' />
// This script tries to set the align attribute on an input of type text.
// Nothing should happen...
var obj1 = document.getElementById('test1');
obj1.setAttribute('align', 'right');
<div id='insertionpoint'></div>
var ins = document.getElementById('insertionpoint');
var obj2 = document.createElement('INPUT');
obj2.setAttribute('align', 'right');
obj2.setAttribute('src', '../resources/apple.gif');
obj2.setAttribute('type', 'image');