Test to show select() support for Email, Number, Date, Month, Week, Time, DateTime-Local, Color and File.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS document.getElementById("email").select() did not throw exception.
PASS document.getElementById("number").select() did not throw exception.
PASS document.getElementById("date").select() did not throw exception.
PASS document.getElementById("month").select() did not throw exception.
PASS document.getElementById("week").select() did not throw exception.
PASS document.getElementById("time").select() did not throw exception.
PASS document.getElementById("datetime-local").select() did not throw exception.
PASS document.getElementById("color").select() did not throw exception.
PASS document.getElementById("file").select() did not throw exception.
PASS successfullyParsed is true