
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>This test checks that setting the suggested value of an input element that cannot display a suggested value actually means to reset the suggested value (crbug/1174657)</title>
<input id="test" type="text">
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
var input = document.getElementById('test');
if (!window.internals) {
  testFailed('This test requires internals object');
} else {
  test(() => {
    internals.setSuggestedValue(input, 'suggested value');
    assert_equals(input.value, '');
    assert_equals(internals.suggestedValue(input), 'suggested value');

    // Changing the type to "radio" won't change suggested value, despite
    // radio buttons not being able to display any suggested value.
    // So changing the type back to 'text' right away would keep the
    // suggested value.
    input.type = 'radio';
    assert_equals(input.value, 'on');
    assert_equals(internals.suggestedValue(input), 'suggested value');

    // But changing the suggested value of a radio button clears the
    // suggested value. Otherwise, selected SetSuggestedValue() calls
    // could be turned into a no-op by changing the 'type' temporarily.
    internals.setSuggestedValue(input, 'clear me');
    assert_equals(input.value, 'on');
    assert_equals(internals.suggestedValue(input), '');

    // Changing the type back to "text" must not reinstate the old
    // suggested value.
    input.type = 'text';
    assert_equals(input.value, '');
    assert_equals(internals.suggestedValue(input), '');
  }, 'Test that setting the suggested value of a radio button clears the old suggested value.');

  // This loop tests several values for 'type'. Except for 'month' and
  // 'text', they do not support suggested values and SetSuggestedValue()
  // should hence clear the suggested value.
  const testcases = [
    // These do not support suggested values.
    ['button', 'click-me', ''],
    ['checkbox', 'check-me', ''],
    ['color', '#996633', ''],
    ['file', '/', ''],
    ['image', 'nonsense', ''],
    ['radio', 'select-me', ''],
    ['range', '3', ''],
    ['week', '2075-W33', ''],
    ['date', '2075-05-01', ''],
    ['datetime-local', '2075-05-01T19:30', ''],
    // These do support suggested values.
    ['month', '2075-02', '2075-02'],
    ['text', 'blabla', 'blabla'],
    ['tel', '3', '3'],
  for (const [type, suggestedValue, expectedValue] of testcases) {
    test(() => {
      input.type = 'text';
      internals.setSuggestedValue(input, suggestedValue);
      assert_equals(input.type, 'text');
      assert_equals(internals.suggestedValue(input), suggestedValue);

      input.type = type;
      internals.setSuggestedValue(input, suggestedValue);
      assert_equals(input.type, type);
      assert_equals(internals.suggestedValue(input), expectedValue);

      input.type = 'text';
      assert_equals(input.type, 'text');
      assert_equals(internals.suggestedValue(input), expectedValue);
    }, 'Test for that setting the suggested value either clears or actually sets the suggested value for various types, here: "'+ type +'"');