<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Tests that a suggested value is not found by a text search. </title>
<input id='text' type='text'>
<textarea id='textarea'></textarea>
<script src='../../resources/testharness.js'></script>
<script src='../../resources/testharnessreport.js'></script>
var input = document.getElementById('text');
var textarea = document.getElementById('textarea');
if (!window.internals) {
testFailed('This test requires internals object');
} else {
function lookup(term) {
return window.find(term, false, false, true);
test(() => {
// Verify that a normal value is found by search.
input.type = 'text';
input.value = 'value';
input.value = '';
const testcases = [
// These do not support suggested values.
['button', 'click-me'],
['checkbox', 'check-me'],
['color', '#996633'],
['file', '/'],
['image', 'nonsense'],
['radio', 'select-me'],
['range', '3'],
['week', '2075-W33'],
['date', '2075-05-01', ''],
['datetime-local', '2075-05-01T19:30'],
// These do support suggested values.
['month', '2075-02'],
['text', 'blabla'],
['tel', '3'],
// Tests for different types that the value is not found if set as a suggested value.
for ( const [type, value] of testcases ) {
input.type = type;
internals.setSuggestedValue(input, value);
}, 'Test that suggested values in an input field is not found by search');
test(() => {
// Verify that that value is found if set as a normal value.
textarea.value = 'value';
textarea.value = '';
// Verify that that value is not found if set as a suggested value.
internals.setSuggestedValue(textarea, 'value');
}, 'Test that suggested values in a text area are not found by search');