
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<h1>The length of an &lt;input> element's string is NOT implicitly limited to 524288 characters. and</h1>
<div id="log"></div>
<input id="input">
var input = document.getElementById("input");

function attempt(length, expected)
    var buffer = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(length));
    for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i)
        buffer[i] = 0x30 + (i % 10);
    var testString = (new TextDecoder("utf-8")).decode(buffer);

    input.value = testString;
    assert_equals(input.value.length, expected);

test(function() {
    attempt(0, 0);
}, "Insert 0 characters, the value length should be 0.");
test(function() {
    attempt(5, 5);
}, "Insert 5 characters, the value length should be 5.");
test(function() {
    attempt(1025, 1025);
}, "Insert 1025 characters, the value length should be 1025.");
test(function() {
    attempt(524287, 524287);
}, "Insert 524287 characters, the value length should be 524287.");
test(function() {
    attempt(524288, 524288);
}, "Insert 524288 characters, the value length should be 524288.");
test(function() {
    attempt(524289, 524289);
}, "Insert 524289 characters, the value length should be 524289.");
test(function() {
    attempt(530000, 530000);
}, "Insert 530000 characters, the value length should be 530000.");

test(function() {
    attempt(1000000, 1000000);
}, "Insert 1000000 characters, the value length should be 1000000.");