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description('Test shouldBeNow() in js-test.js');
shouldBeNow("new Date()");
debug("Testing type checking with a string. This should fail.");
shouldBeNow("'Hello world!'");
function stubDateNow(stubValue, callback)
var realDateNow = Date.now;
Date.now = function() { return stubValue; }
try {
} finally {
Date.now = realDateNow;
debug("Testing past dates. This should fail.");
stubDateNow(60000, function() {
debug("Testing future dates. This should fail.");
stubDateNow(60000, function() {
debug("Testing a slightly past date with the implicit delta. This should pass.");
stubDateNow(60000, function() {
debug("Testing a slightly future date with the implicit delta. This should pass.");
stubDateNow(60000, function() {
debug("Testing a past date with a large delta. This should pass.");
stubDateNow(60000, function() {
shouldBeNow("50000", 10000);
debug("Testing a future date with a large delta. This should pass.");
stubDateNow(60000, function() {
shouldBeNow("70000", 10000);
debug("Simulating a defective clock that always goes backwards. The test below should fail.");
var badClock = Date.now();
var realDateNow = Date.now;
Date.now = function() { return --badClock; }
shouldBeNow("new Date()");
Date.now = realDateNow;