
<!DOCTYPE html>
  body {
    height: 2000px;
    width: 2000px;

<script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  'use strict';

  test(function() {
    assert_true(history.scrollRestoration !== undefined, 'history.scrollRestoration exists');
  }, 'Basic existence');

  test(function() {
    assert_equals(history.scrollRestoration, 'auto');
  }, 'Default value is "auto"');

  test(function() {
    history.scrollRestoration = 'manual';
    assert_equals(history.scrollRestoration, 'manual', 'should be able to set "manual"');
    history.scrollRestoration = 'auto';
    assert_equals(history.scrollRestoration, 'auto', 'should be able to set "auto"');
  }, 'It is writable');

  test(function() {
    history.scrollRestoration = 'auto';
    for (var v of[3.1415, {}, 'bogus']) {
      history.scrollRestoration = v;
      assert_equals(history.scrollRestoration, 'auto', `setting to invalid value (${v}) should be ignored`);
  }, 'Invalid values are ignored');