
Test ES6 iterator works with DOM objects.

On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".

PASS internals.iterator is undefined.
value = 0
value = 1
value = 4
value = 9
value = 16
value = 0
value = 1
value = 4
value = 9
value = 16
key = 0
key = 1
key = 2
key = 3
key = 4
value = 0
value = 1
value = 4
value = 9
value = 16
entry = 0,0
entry = 1,1
entry = 2,4
entry = 3,9
entry = 4,16
PASS internals.forEach("not a function") threw exception TypeError: string "not a function" is not a function.
callback called
PASS internals.forEach(function () { debug("callback called"); throw Error("stop!"); }) threw exception Error: stop!.
thisArg, 0, 0, [object Internals]
thisArg, 1, 1, [object Internals]
thisArg, 4, 2, [object Internals]
thisArg, 9, 3, [object Internals]
thisArg, 16, 4, [object Internals]
0: [object Window]
1: [object Window]
4: [object Window]
9: [object Window]
16: [object Window]
0: [object Window]
1: [object Window]
4: [object Window]
9: [object Window]
16: [object Window]
0: undefined
1: undefined
4: undefined
9: undefined
16: undefined
0: null
1: null
4: null
9: null
16: null
0: number
1: number
4: number
9: number
16: number
PASS successfullyParsed is true