// Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/
var BUGNUMBER = 601262;
var summary =
"A string literal containing an octal escape before a strict mode " +
"directive should be a syntax error";
print(BUGNUMBER + ": " + summary);
eval(" '\\145'; 'use strict'; ");
throw new Error("no error thrown for eval");
catch (e)
assertEq(e instanceof SyntaxError, true,
"wrong error for octal-escape before strict directive in eval");
Function(" '\\145'; 'use strict'; ");
throw new Error("no error thrown for Function");
catch (e)
assertEq(e instanceof SyntaxError, true,
"wrong error for octal-escape before strict directive in Function");
eval(" function f(){ '\\145'; 'use strict'; } ");
throw new Error("no error thrown for eval of function");
catch (e)
assertEq(e instanceof SyntaxError, true,
"wrong error for octal-escape before strict directive in eval of " +
Function(" function f(){ '\\145'; 'use strict'; } ");
throw new Error("no error thrown for eval of function");
catch (e)
assertEq(e instanceof SyntaxError, true,
"wrong error for octal-escape before strict directive in eval of " +
eval("function notAnError1() { 5; '\\145'; function g() { 'use strict'; } }");
Function("function notAnError2() { 5; '\\145'; function g() { 'use strict'; } }");
function notAnError3()
function g() { "use strict"; }
if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
reportCompare(true, true);
print("All tests passed!");
var successfullyParsed = true;