function testToStringAndValueOf(title, type, object)
var results = [ title ];
try { addResult(type + ' : ' + object); } catch(e) { addResult(e); }
try { addResult('[' + type + '] : ' + [object]); } catch(e) { addResult(e); }
try { addResult('String(' + type + ') : ' + String(object)); } catch(e) { addResult(e); }
try { addResult('String([' + type + ']) : ' + String([object])); } catch(e) { addResult(e); }
try { addResult(type + '.toString : ' + object.toString); } catch(e) { addResult(e); }
try { var toString = object.toString; addResult(type + '.toString() (cached in variable) : ' + toString()); } catch(e) { addResult(e); }
try { addResult(type + '.toString() : ' + object.toString()); } catch(e) { addResult(e); }
try { addResult('[' + type + '].toString() : ' + [object].toString()); } catch(e) { addResult(e); }
try { addResult(type + '.valueOf() : ' + object.valueOf()); } catch(e) { addResult(e); }
try { addResult('[' + type + '].valueOf() : ' + [object].valueOf()); } catch(e) { addResult(e); }
return results.join('<br>') + '<br><br>';
function addResult(result)
function test(resultsElement, type, object)
var results = '';
results += testToStringAndValueOf('Unmodified ' + type, type, object);
object.toString = function() { return "toString" }
object.valueOf = function() { return "valueOf" }
results += testToStringAndValueOf(type + ' with modified toString and valueOf', type, object);
object.toString = function() { return new Object(); }
results += testToStringAndValueOf(type + ' with modified toString that returns an Object', type, object);
object.toString = function() { return 'toString'; }
object.valueOf = function() { return new Object(); }
results += testToStringAndValueOf(type + ' with modified valueOf that returns an Object', type, object);
object.toString = function() { return new Object(); }
results += testToStringAndValueOf(type + ' with modified toString and valueOf that returns an Object', type, object);
object.toString = function() { throw "Exception"; }
object.valueOf = function() { return "valueOf"; }
results += testToStringAndValueOf(type + ' with modified toString that throws an exception', type, object);
object.toString = function() { return 'toString'; }
object.valueOf = function() { throw "Exception"; }
results += testToStringAndValueOf(type + ' with modified valueOf that throws an exception', type, object);
object.toString = function() { throw "Exception"; }
object.valueOf = function() { throw "Exception"; }
results += testToStringAndValueOf(type + ' with modified toString an valueOf that throw exceptions', type, object);
resultsElement.innerHTML += results + '<br>';
function runTests()
if (window.testRunner)
var resultsElement = document.getElementById('results');
test(resultsElement, 'span', document.createElement('span'));
test(resultsElement, 'window', window);
test(resultsElement, 'Navigator', window.navigator);
test(resultsElement, 'History', window.history);
test(resultsElement, 'Selection', window.getSelection());
<body onload="runTests();">
<div id="results">