
        div {
            display: -webkit-inline-box;
            width: 100px;
            -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
            overflow: hidden; 
            border: solid thin grey; 
        This tests the -webkit-line-clamp property<br><br>
        <div style="-webkit-line-clamp: 2;">
            2 lines.  This is an example of ellipsis-truncation of multi-line text.<a href="#">More</a>
        <div style="-webkit-line-clamp: 3">
            3 lines.  No link at the end.  This is an example of ellipsis-truncation of multi-line text.
        <div style="-webkit-line-clamp: 0;">
            0 lines.  This is an invalid value for -webkit-line-clamp.
        <div style="-webkit-line-clamp: -1;">
            -1 lines.  This is an invalid value for -webkit-line-clamp.
        <div style="-webkit-line-clamp: -1%;">
            -1%.  This is an invalid value for -webkit-line-clamp.