<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src = "../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src = "../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
var t = async_test("Don't reuse disposed FrameView for <embed>");
onload = t.unreached_func("window load should not fire before embed load");
function embedLoaded() {
document.querySelector('iframe').srcdoc = "data:text/html,bar";
var embed = document.querySelector('embed');
embed.align = "right";
embed.height = "28";
embed.type = "foo";
var docLoaded = false;
onload = t.step_func(function () {
var object = document.createElement("object");
// Trying to access a named property on <object> will run post layout tasks
// synchronously from HTMLPluginElement::layoutPartForJSBindings(). Make sure
// it doesn't try to re-load a persisted FrameView for a detached frame.
object.whatever = "anything";
docLoaded = true;
// This will cause detach the embed and iframe element, which will cause the
// window load event to fire, since all loading subframes will have been
// detached.
t.step(function() {
assert_true(docLoaded, "document onload should already be done synchronously within the above innerText change.");
// Getting here without crashing implies the test passed.
<embed onload="embedLoaded()" src="foo"></embed>