<title>createCaption() test</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function captionfruit() {
var x = document.getElementById('fruitTable').createCaption()
function captionveggie() {
var x = document.getElementById('veggieTable').createCaption()
<body onload = "captionfruit(); captionveggie()">
<p>Tests: the TABLE.createCaption() method<br>
If no caption exists, the method should create an empty caption, add it to the table, and return a pointer to it.
If a caption does exist, the method should return a pointer to it.
<p>If successful, the first table should have the caption <b>Fruity</b>, and the second table should have the caption
<b>Vegetabley</b>. Upon failure, the first table will have no caption, and the second table will have the caption
<table id="fruitTable" border="1">
<table id="veggieTable" border="1">
<caption> Things </caption>