
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>

<input id="filetype1" type="file">
<label>label<input id="filetype2" type="file"></label>
<input id="filetype3" aria-label="aria label" type="file">

<script type="module">
import  '/resources/mock-file-chooser.js';

async_test((t) => {

    // Initially the name is just the button title.
    var fileChooser = document.getElementById("filetype1");
    let axFileChooser = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("filetype1");
    assert_equals(, "Choose File: No file chosen");
    assert_equals(axFileChooser.stringValue, "AXValue: No file chosen");

    // After a file is selected, the value should be the file chosen,
    // and the name should concatenate both - because ATs think of this as a single
    // control and they're only going to read the name.
    axFileChooser.addNotificationListener((e) => {
        assert_equals(, "Choose File: cake.png");
        assert_equals(axFileChooser.stringValue, "AXValue: cake.png");

    // Simulate dragging a file to the file control.
    var centerX = fileChooser.offsetLeft + fileChooser.offsetWidth / 2;
    var centerY = fileChooser.offsetTop + fileChooser.offsetHeight / 2;
    eventSender.mouseMoveTo(centerX, centerY);

}, "Test that the accessible name of an unlabelled file control changes when you choose a file.");

async_test((t) => {

    // Initially the name is just the button title.
    var fileChooser = document.getElementById("filetype2");
    let axFileChooser = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("filetype2");
    assert_equals(, "label: No file chosen");
    assert_equals(axFileChooser.stringValue, "AXValue: No file chosen");

    // After a file is selected, the value should be the file chosen,
    // and the name should concatenate both - because ATs think of this as a single
    // control and they're only going to read the name.
    axFileChooser.addNotificationListener((e) => {
        assert_equals(, "label: cake.png");
        assert_equals(axFileChooser.stringValue, "AXValue: cake.png");

    // Simulate dragging a file to the file control.
    var centerX = fileChooser.offsetLeft + fileChooser.offsetWidth / 2;
    var centerY = fileChooser.offsetTop + fileChooser.offsetHeight / 2;
    eventSender.mouseMoveTo(centerX, centerY);

}, "Test that the accessible name of a file control with a label changes when you choose a file.");

async_test((t) => {

    // Initially the name is just the button title.
    var fileChooser = document.getElementById("filetype3");
    let axFileChooser = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("filetype3");
    assert_equals(, "aria label: No file chosen");
    assert_equals(axFileChooser.stringValue, "AXValue: No file chosen");

    // After a file is selected, the value should be the file chosen,
    // and the name should concatenate both - because ATs think of this as a single
    // control and they're only going to read the name.
    axFileChooser.addNotificationListener((e) => {
        assert_equals(, "aria label: cake.png");
        assert_equals(axFileChooser.stringValue, "AXValue: cake.png");

    // Simulate dragging a file to the file control.
    var centerX = fileChooser.offsetLeft + fileChooser.offsetWidth / 2;
    var centerY = fileChooser.offsetTop + fileChooser.offsetHeight / 2;
    eventSender.mouseMoveTo(centerX, centerY);

}, "Test that the accessible name of a file control with aria-label changes when you choose a file.");

