<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="./random-cached.cgi"></script>
const lastRandomNumberKey = "lastRandomNumber";
window.addEventListener("message", e => {
if (e.data != "START") {
window.opener.postMessage("FAIL: unknown; " + e.data, location.origin);
} else {
// window.top.randomNumber should be set by random-cached.cgi.
if (window.top === undefined || window.top.randomNumber === undefined) {
window.opener.postMessage("FAIL: randomNumber isn't defined",
// If location.reload() is already triggered, lastRandomNumberKey should be
// stored in the sessionStorage. Otherwise, this is the first load.
const lastRandomNumberString = sessionStorage.getItem(lastRandomNumberKey);
if (lastRandomNumberString !== null) {
// sessionStorage returns DOMString and need to be converted to Number.
const lastRandomNumber = Number(lastRandomNumberString);
// Because the random-cached.cgi is a sub-resource, and set HTTP headers
// to allow caching, location.reload() should follow the cache-protocol to
// reuse the cached resource. That is to say the randomNumber should not
// be changed on the reload.
window.opener.postMessage(lastRandomNumber == top.randomNumber
? "PASS"
: "FAIL: randomNumber was changed",
} else {
// Store the first randomNumber to the sessionStorage, and call reload().
// This window will send "READY" again, then receive "START".
sessionStorage.setItem(lastRandomNumberKey, top.randomNumber);
}, false);
// Send "READY" message first so that parent window can ensure to send messages.
window.opener.postMessage("READY", location.origin);