
<!doctype html>
<title>Cache Storage: verify resources larger than 256MB can be put into a Cache</title>
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'use strict';

// Note, this is a manual test due to the excessive amount of storage used.
promise_test(async t => {
  const cache = await'large-test');
  t.add_cleanup(() => caches.delete('large-test'));

  const url = '/large-test';

  // Body string that is greater than 256MB assuming one byte characters.
  // Older versions of cache_storage limited responses to 256MB or less.
  // (
  const body = 'a'.repeat(1024 * 1024 * 257);

  let response = new Response(body);
  await cache.put(url, response);

  response = await cache.match(url);
  const result = await response.blob();
  assert_equals(body.length, result.size);
}, 'Cache can store resources larger than 256MB.');
