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<title>Test partitioned cookies are sent in embedded cross-site to same-site redirects</title>
promise_test(async () => {
//Add partitioned cookie to top-level site.
assert_equals(document.cookie, "");
const partitionedCookie = "ancestor=chain";
const partitionedCookieAttributes =
"; Secure; Path=/; SameSite=None; Partitioned";
const partitionedCookieLine =
partitionedCookie + partitionedCookieAttributes;
document.cookie = partitionedCookieLine;
const sameSiteHost = window.location.hostname;
const resourceDir = "/cookies/partitioned-cookies/resources/";
const crossSiteUrl = new URL(
resourceDir + "ancestor-chain-empty-embed.html",
const sameSiteUrl = new URL(
resourceDir + "ancestor-chain-empty-embed.html",
// Create cross-site iframe and wait for it to load.
const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = crossSiteUrl.href;
await new Promise(r => iframe.onload = r);
// Confirm that the iframe is cross-site.
var iframeUrl = new URL(iframe.src);
var iframeHost = iframeUrl.hostname;
assert_not_equals(sameSiteHost, iframeHost);
// Initiate the redirect from cross-site to same-site through
// redirect-and-append-cookie-header.php
iframe.src = resourceDir+
+ sameSiteUrl.href;
await new Promise(r => iframe.onload = r);
// Confirm that the iframe is now same-site.
iframeUrl = new URL(iframe.src);
iframeHost = iframeUrl.hostname;
assert_equals(sameSiteHost, iframeHost);
// Confirm that the cookie was in http header of the redirect request
}, "Partitioned cookies are sent in embedded cross-site to same-site redirects");