// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {TestRunner} from 'test_runner';
import {ApplicationTestRunner} from 'application_test_runner';
import {ConsoleTestRunner} from 'console_test_runner';
import * as Application from 'devtools/panels/application/application.js';
import * as Common from 'devtools/core/common/common.js';
import * as SourceFrame from 'devtools/ui/legacy/components/source_frame/source_frame.js';
import * as UI from 'devtools/ui/legacy/legacy.js';
import * as SDK from 'devtools/core/sdk/sdk.js';
(async function() {
TestRunner.addResult(`Tests Application Panel preview for resources of different types.\n`);
// Note: every test that uses a storage API must manually clean-up state from previous tests.
await ApplicationTestRunner.resetState();
await TestRunner.showPanel('resources');
await TestRunner.loadHTML(`
<img src="../resources/image.png">
await TestRunner.evaluateInPagePromise(`
function parse(val) {
// This is here for the JSON file imported via the script tag below
await TestRunner.addScriptTag('../resources/json-value.js');
function dump(node, prefix) {
for (var child of node.children()) {
TestRunner.addResult(prefix + child.listItemElement.textContent + (child.selected ? ' (selected)' : ''));
dump(child, prefix + ' ');
function dumpCurrentState(label) {
var types = new Map([
[SourceFrame.ResourceSourceFrame.ResourceSourceFrame, 'source'],
[SourceFrame.ImageView.ImageView, 'image'],
[SourceFrame.JSONView.JSONView, 'json']
var view = Application.ResourcesPanel.ResourcesPanel.instance();
dump(view.sidebar.sidebarTree.rootElement(), '');
var visibleView = view.visibleView;
if (visibleView instanceof UI.SearchableView.SearchableView)
visibleView = visibleView.children()[0];
var typeLabel = 'unknown';
for (var type of types) {
if (!(visibleView instanceof type[0]))
typeLabel = type[1];
console.log('visible view: ' + typeLabel);
async function revealResourceWithDisplayName(name) {
var target = SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().primaryPageTarget();
var model = target.model(SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeModel);
var resource = null;
for (var r of model.mainFrame.resources()) {
if (r.displayName !== name)
resource = r;
if (!r) {
TestRunner.addResult(name + ' was not found');
await Common.Revealer.reveal(r);
dumpCurrentState('Revealed ' + name + ':');
await UI.ViewManager.ViewManager.instance().showView('resources');
dumpCurrentState('Initial state:');
await revealResourceWithDisplayName('json-value.js');
await revealResourceWithDisplayName('image.png');
await revealResourceWithDisplayName('resources-panel-resource-preview.js');