
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import {TestRunner} from 'test_runner';
import {ConsoleTestRunner} from 'console_test_runner';

import * as Console from 'devtools/panels/console/console.js';

(async function() {
  TestRunner.addResult(`Tests that console copies truncated text in messages properly.\n`);

  await TestRunner.showPanel('console');

  var longUrl = 'www.' + 'z123456789'.repeat(15) + '.com';
  var shortUrl = '';
  var mixedUrl = longUrl + ' ' + shortUrl + ' ' + longUrl;
  var shortUrlWithHashes = 'www.' + '0123456789'.repeat(2) + 'zfoobarz' + '0123456789'.repeat(2);
  var urlWithHashes = 'www.' + '0123456789'.repeat(2) + 'z'.repeat(150) + '0123456789'.repeat(2);
  var highlightedUrl = 'www.' + 'z'.repeat(200) + '.com';
  var prepareCode = `
        // Keep this as the first url logged to record the max truncated length.


  var expectedMessageCount = 8;
  var consoleView = Console.ConsoleView.ConsoleView.instance();
  var viewport = Console.ConsoleView.ConsoleView.instance().viewport;
  var maxLength;
  var halfMaxLength;
  var secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl;

  var tests = [
    async function testSelectWithinTruncatedUrl(next) {
      await makeSelectionAndDump(1, 0, 1, halfMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(1, 0, 1, halfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(1, 0, 1, maxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(1, halfMaxLength, 1, halfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(1, halfMaxLength, 1, maxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(1, halfMaxLength + 1, 1, maxLength);

    async function testSelectAcrossMultipleMessages(next) {
      await makeSelectionAndDump(1, 0, 2, shortUrl.length);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(1, halfMaxLength, 2, shortUrl.length);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(1, halfMaxLength + 1, 2, shortUrl.length);

    async function testSelectAcrossMultipleMessagesWithTruncatedUrls(next) {
      await makeSelectionAndDump(1, 0, 3, halfMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(1, 0, 3, halfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(1, 0, 3, maxLength);

    async function testSelectWithinMessageWithMultipleTruncatedUrls(next) {
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, 0, 4, halfMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, 0, 4, halfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, 0, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, 0, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + halfMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, 0, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + halfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, 0, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + maxLength);

      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, halfMaxLength, 4, halfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, halfMaxLength, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, halfMaxLength, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + halfMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, halfMaxLength, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + halfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, halfMaxLength, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + maxLength);

      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, halfMaxLength + 1, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, halfMaxLength + 1, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + halfMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, halfMaxLength + 1, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + halfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, halfMaxLength + 1, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + maxLength);

      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + halfMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + halfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl, 4, secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + maxLength);

      await makeSelectionAndDump(
        secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + halfMaxLength,
        secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + halfMaxLength + 1
      await makeSelectionAndDump(
        secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + halfMaxLength,
        secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + maxLength

      await makeSelectionAndDump(
        secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + halfMaxLength + 1,
        secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl + maxLength

    async function testSelectWithinShortUrlWithHashes(next) {
      var hashedUrlMaxLength = consoleMessageText(5).length;
      var hashedUrlHalfMaxLength = Math.ceil(hashedUrlMaxLength / 2);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(5, 0, 5, hashedUrlHalfMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(5, 0, 5, hashedUrlMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(5, hashedUrlHalfMaxLength, 5, hashedUrlMaxLength);

    async function testSelectWithinUrlWithHashes(next) {
      var hashedUrlMaxLength = consoleMessageText(6).length;
      var hashedUrlHalfMaxLength = Math.ceil(hashedUrlMaxLength / 2);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(6, 0, 6, hashedUrlHalfMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(6, 0, 6, hashedUrlHalfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(6, 0, 6, hashedUrlMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(6, hashedUrlHalfMaxLength, 6, hashedUrlHalfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(6, hashedUrlHalfMaxLength, 6, hashedUrlMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(6, hashedUrlHalfMaxLength + 1, 6, hashedUrlMaxLength);

    function testSelectWithinHighlightedUrlBeginning(next) {
      testHighlightedUrlWithSearchQuery('www.', next);

    function testSelectWithinHighlightedUrlMiddle(next) {
      testHighlightedUrlWithSearchQuery('zzzzz', next);

    function testSelectWithinHighlightedUrlEnd(next) {
      testHighlightedUrlWithSearchQuery('.com', next);

  ConsoleTestRunner.waitForConsoleMessages(expectedMessageCount, async () => {

    // Get the max truncated length from the first longUrl logged.
    try {
      var longUrlMessageText = await consoleMessageText(1);
      maxLength = longUrlMessageText.length;
      halfMaxLength = Math.ceil(maxLength / 2);
      secondLongUrlIndexInMixedUrl = maxLength + 1 + shortUrl.length + 1;
      TestRunner.addResult('Long url has max length: ' + maxLength + ', text: ' + longUrlMessageText);
    } catch (e) {
      TestRunner.addResult('FAIL: Could not get max truncation length from first longUrl message.');

  function consoleMessageText(index) {
    var messageElement = consoleView.visibleViewMessages[index].element();
    return messageElement.querySelector('.console-message-text').deepTextContent();

  async function makeSelectionAndDump(fromMessage, fromTextOffset, toMessage, toTextOffset) {
      '\nMaking selection: ' + fromMessage + ', ' + fromTextOffset + ', ' + toMessage + ', ' + toTextOffset

    // Ignore the anchor text on the start/end message, just use their contents.
    const fromElement = consoleView.itemElement(fromMessage).element();
    const toElement = consoleView.itemElement(toMessage).element();
    // Console message elements contain live locations.
    await TestRunner.waitForPendingLiveLocationUpdates();
    var fromAnchor = fromElement.querySelector('.console-message-anchor');
    var toAnchor = toElement.querySelector('.console-message-anchor');
    fromTextOffset += fromAnchor ? fromAnchor.deepTextContent().length : 0;
    toTextOffset += toAnchor ? toAnchor.deepTextContent().length : 0;
    await ConsoleTestRunner.selectConsoleMessages(fromMessage, fromTextOffset, toMessage, toTextOffset);
    var selectedText = viewport.selectedText();
    if (selectedText) {
      selectedText = selectedText.replace(/\bVM\d+/g, 'VM');
      TestRunner.addResult('Selection length: ' + selectedText.length + ', text: ' + selectedText);
    } else {
      TestRunner.addResult('No selection');

  function testHighlightedUrlWithSearchQuery(query, next) {
    // Clear any existing ranges to avoid using them as the query.
    TestRunner.addSniffer(consoleView, 'searchFinishedForTests', onSearch);
    consoleView.searchableView().searchInputElement.value = query;
    TestRunner.addResult('Searching for text: ' + query);

    async function onSearch() {
      var matches = consoleView.element
        .filter(node => node.parentElement && node.parentElement.classList.contains('highlighted-search-result'))
        .map(node => node.parentElement);
      TestRunner.addResult('Highlighted ' + matches.length + ' matches');

      // Use TextNodes for containers to get inside the highlighted match element.
      await makeSelectionAndDump(7, 0, 7, halfMaxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(7, 0, 7, halfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(7, 0, 7, maxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(7, halfMaxLength, 7, halfMaxLength + 1);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(7, halfMaxLength, 7, maxLength);
      await makeSelectionAndDump(7, halfMaxLength + 1, 7, maxLength);