// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {TestRunner} from 'test_runner';
import {NetworkTestRunner} from 'network_test_runner';
import * as Common from 'devtools/core/common/common.js';
import * as Platform from 'devtools/core/platform/platform.js';
import * as Network from 'devtools/panels/network/network.js';
import * as SourceFrame from 'devtools/ui/legacy/components/source_frame/source_frame.js';
import * as UI from 'devtools/ui/legacy/legacy.js';
(async function() {
TestRunner.addResult(`Tests that resources with JSON MIME types are previewed with the JSON viewer.\n`);
await TestRunner.showPanel('network');
async function testSearches(view, searches) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0));
for (var search of searches) {
view.searchInputElement.value = search;
view.regexButton.toggled = false;
view.caseSensitiveButton.toggled = false;
TestRunner.addResult('Should have found and highlighted all: ' + search);
var foundItems = view.element.childTextNodes()
.filter(node => node.parentElement.classList.contains('highlighted-search-result'))
.map(node => node.parentElement);
TestRunner.addResult('Normal search found ' + foundItems.length + ' results in dom.');
foundItems = view.element.childTextNodes()
.filter(node => node.parentElement.classList.contains('cm-search-highlight-start'))
.map(node => node.parentElement);
TestRunner.addResult('CodeMirror search found ' + foundItems.length + ' results in dom.');
async function previewViewHandled(searches, callback, view) {
var isSearchable = (view instanceof UI.SearchableView.SearchableView);
var compontentView = view;
var typeName = 'unknown';
var searchableView = view;
if (view instanceof SourceFrame.ResourceSourceFrame.SearchableContainer) {
isSearchable = true;
searchableView = view.children()[0];
if (isSearchable)
compontentView = searchableView.searchProvider;
if (compontentView instanceof SourceFrame.ResourceSourceFrame.ResourceSourceFrame) {
typeName = 'ResourceSourceFrame';
if (!compontentView.loaded) {
// try again when content is loaded.
compontentView, 'setContent', previewViewHandled.bind(this, searches, callback, view));
} else if (compontentView instanceof SourceFrame.XMLView.XMLView) {
typeName = 'XMLView';
} else if (compontentView instanceof SourceFrame.JSONView.JSONView) {
typeName = 'JSONView';
} else if (compontentView instanceof Network.RequestHTMLView.RequestHTMLView) {
typeName = 'RequestHTMLView';
} else if (compontentView instanceof UI.EmptyWidget.EmptyWidget) {
typeName = 'EmptyWidget';
} else if (compontentView instanceof Network.RequestHTMLView.RequestHTMLView) {
typeName = 'RequestHTMLView';
TestRunner.addResult('Is Searchable: ' + isSearchable);
TestRunner.addResult('Type: ' + typeName);
if (isSearchable)
await testSearches(searchableView, searches);
function trySearches(request, searches, callback) {
var networkPanel = Network.NetworkPanel.NetworkPanel.instance();
TestRunner.addSniffer(Network.RequestPreviewView.RequestPreviewView.prototype, 'doShowPreview', async function() {
previewViewHandled(searches, callback, await this.contentViewPromise);
networkPanel.onRequestSelected({data: request});
var itemView = networkPanel.networkItemView;
function testType(contentType, content, searches, callback) {
var url = 'data:' + contentType + ',' + encodeURIComponent(content);
NetworkTestRunner.makeSimpleXHR('GET', url, true, function() {
var request = NetworkTestRunner.findRequestsByURLPattern(new RegExp(Platform.StringUtilities.escapeForRegExp(url)))[0];
trySearches(request, searches, callback);
function plainTextTest(next) {
testType('text/plain', 'foo bar\nfoo bar', ['foo', /*"bar"*/], next);
function jsonTest(next) {
testType('application/json', '[533,3223]', ['533', '322'], next);
function jsonSpecialMimeTest(next) {
testType('application/vnd.document+json', '{"foo0foo": 123}', ['foo'], next);
function xmlMultipleSearchTest(next) {
testType('text/xml', '<bar><foo/>test</bar>', ['bar', 'foo', 'bar', 'test'], next);
function xmlSingleSearchTest(next) {
testType('text/xml', '<bar></bar>', ['bar'], next);
function xmlCommentSearchTest(next) {
testType('text/xml', '<bar><!-- TEST --></bar>', ['TEST', '/bar', 'bar'], next);
function xmlCDATASearchTest(next) {
testType('text/xml', '<a><![CDATA[GGG]]><g tee="gee">tee</g></a>', ['GGG', 'tee', 'CDATA'], next);
function xmlMimeTypeJsonTest(next) {
testType('text/xml', '{"foo0": "barr", "barr": "fooo"}', ['fooo', 'bar'], next);