
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import {TestRunner} from 'test_runner';
import {SourcesTestRunner} from 'sources_test_runner';
import {BindingsTestRunner} from 'bindings_test_runner';

import * as Sources from 'devtools/panels/sources/sources.js';
import * as Workspace from 'devtools/models/workspace/workspace.js';

(async function() {
  TestRunner.addResult(`Verify that tab keeps selected as the persistence binding comes in.\n`);
  await TestRunner.addScriptTag('resources/foo.js');
  await TestRunner.showPanel('sources');

  var testMapping = BindingsTestRunner.initializeTestMapping();
  var fs = new BindingsTestRunner.TestFileSystem('/var/www');
  var fsEntry = BindingsTestRunner.addFooJSFile(fs);
  fs.root.addFile('bar.js', ' = ()=>\'bar\';');
  await fs.reportCreatedPromise();

  var fsSourceCode = await TestRunner.waitForUISourceCode('foo.js', Workspace.Workspace.projectTypes.FileSystem);
  var networkSourceCode = await TestRunner.waitForUISourceCode('foo.js', Workspace.Workspace.projectTypes.Network);
  var barSourceCode = await TestRunner.waitForUISourceCode('bar.js');
  Sources.SourcesPanel.SourcesPanel.instance().showUISourceCode(barSourceCode, 0, 0);
  Sources.SourcesPanel.SourcesPanel.instance().showUISourceCode(networkSourceCode, 0, 0);
  // Open and select file system tab. Selection should stay here.
  Sources.SourcesPanel.SourcesPanel.instance().showUISourceCode(fsSourceCode, 0, 0);

  dumpTabs('Opened tabs before persistence binding:');
  await BindingsTestRunner.waitForBinding('foo.js');
  dumpTabs('\nOpened tabs after persistence binding:');

  function dumpTabs(title) {
    var tabbedPane = Sources.SourcesPanel.SourcesPanel.instance().sourcesView().editorContainer.tabbedPane;
    var tabs = tabbedPane.tabs;
    for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; ++i) {
      var text = (i + 1) + ': ';
      text += tabs[i].title;
      if (tabs[i] === tabbedPane.currentTab)
        text += ' [selected]';
      TestRunner.addResult('    ' + text);