// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {TestRunner} from 'test_runner';
import {ApplicationTestRunner} from 'application_test_runner';
import * as Common from 'devtools/core/common/common.js';
(async function() {
TestRunner.addResult(`Tests "Bypass for network" checkbox works with CORS requests. crbug.com/771742\n`);
// Note: every test that uses a storage API must manually clean-up state from previous tests.
await ApplicationTestRunner.resetState();
await TestRunner.showPanel('resources');
await TestRunner.evaluateInPagePromise(`
function takeInterceptedRequests(scope) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let channel = new MessageChannel();
channel.port1.onmessage = msg => { resolve(JSON.stringify(msg.data)); };
registrations[scope].active.postMessage({port: channel.port2}, [channel.port2]);
function fetchInIframe(url, frame_id) {
return document.getElementById(frame_id).contentWindow
.fetch(url, {mode: 'cors'}).then((r) => r.text());
function xhrInIframe(url, frame_id) {
return document.getElementById(frame_id).contentWindow.xhr(url);
function corsImageInIframe(url, frame_id) {
return document.getElementById(frame_id).contentWindow.load_cors_image(url);
const scriptURL =
const scope =
const target =
const frameId = 'frame_id';
function dumpInterceptedRequests() {
return TestRunner.callFunctionInPageAsync('takeInterceptedRequests', [scope]).then((data) => {
TestRunner.addResult('Intercepted requests:');
JSON.parse(data).forEach((request) => {
TestRunner.addResult(' url: ' + request.url);
TestRunner.addResult(' mode: ' + request.mode);
function testCorsRequests(index) {
TestRunner.addResult('CORS fetch(): ' + index);
return TestRunner.callFunctionInPageAsync('fetchInIframe', [target + '?type=txt&fetch' + index, frameId])
.then((data) => {
if (data !== 'hello') {
TestRunner.addResult('fetch response miss match: ' + data);
TestRunner.addResult('CORS XHR: ' + index);
return TestRunner.callFunctionInPageAsync('xhrInIframe', [target + '?type=txt&xhr' + index, frameId]);
.then((data) => {
if (data !== 'hello') {
TestRunner.addResult('XHR response miss match: ' + data);
TestRunner.addResult('CORS image: ' + index);
return TestRunner.callFunctionInPageAsync('corsImageInIframe', [target + '?type=img&img' + index, frameId]);
ApplicationTestRunner.registerServiceWorker(scriptURL, scope)
.then(_ => ApplicationTestRunner.waitForActivated(scope))
.then(() => {
TestRunner.addResult('Loading an iframe.');
return TestRunner.addIframe(scope, {id: frameId});
.then(() => {
TestRunner.addResult('The iframe loaded.');
return testCorsRequests('1');
.then(() => {
TestRunner.addResult('Enable bypassServiceWorker');
return testCorsRequests('2');
.then(() => {
TestRunner.addResult('Disable bypassServiceWorker');
return testCorsRequests('3');
.then(() => {
return dumpInterceptedRequests();
.then(() => {