
Tests how debugger presents special properties of closures, bound functions and object wrappers.
properties-special.js:13 Boolean
    [[Prototype]]: Boolean
    [[PrimitiveValue]]: true
properties-special.js:14 ƒ anonymous(a,b)
    arguments: null
    caller: null
    length: 2
    name: ""
    prototype: {}
    [[FunctionLocation]]: properties-special.js:14
    [[Prototype]]: ƒ ()
    [[Scopes]]: Scopes[1]
properties-special.js:15 ƒ bound ()
    length: 1
    name: "bound "
    arguments: (...)
    caller: (...)
    [[Prototype]]: ƒ ()
    [[TargetFunction]]: ƒ (a,b)
    [[BoundThis]]: Object
    [[BoundArgs]]: Array(1)
properties-special.js:16 ƒ* anonymous()
    length: 0
    name: ""
    prototype: Generator {}
    arguments: (...)
    caller: (...)
    [[FunctionLocation]]: properties-special.js:16
    [[IsGenerator]]: true
    [[Prototype]]: GeneratorFunction
    [[Scopes]]: Scopes[1]