Bindings should only generate locations for an inline script (style) if the location is inside of the inline script (style).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
body {
--var-1: one;
Hello World
function firstFunction() {
<style>body {--var-2: two;} </style><script>function secondFunction() { }</script>
Scanning 21 lines for css locations. Note that location line/column numbers are zero-based.
uiLocation 8:0 resolves to: 8:0 (css)
uiLocation 9:0 resolves to: 9:0 (css)
uiLocation 10:0 resolves to: 10:0 (css)
uiLocation 11:0 resolves to: 11:0 (css)
Scanning 21 lines for script locations. Note that location line/column numbers are zero-based.
uiLocation 14:0 resolves to: 14:0 (script)
uiLocation 15:0 resolves to: 15:0 (script)
uiLocation 16:0 resolves to: 16:0 (script)