// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This test tests that the JavaScript exposure of feature policy in the main
// document works via the following methods:
// allowsFeature(feature)
// -- if |feature| is allowed on the origin of the document.
// allowsFeature(feature, origin)
// -- if |feature| is allowed on the given origin.
// allowedFeatures()
// -- a list of features that are enabled on the origin of the
// document.
// getAllowlistForFeatureForFeature(feature)
// -- a list of explicitly named origins where the given feature is
// enabled, or
// ['*'] if the feature is enabled on all origins.
Header("Feature-Policy: fullscreen *; payment 'self'; midi 'none'; camera 'self' https://www.example.com https://www.example.net");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
var policy_main = document.featurePolicy;
var allowed_features = ["fullscreen", "payment", "camera"];
var disallowed_features = ["badfeature", "midi"];
// Tests for featurePolicy.allowsFeature().
for (var feature of allowed_features) {
test(function() {
assert_true(policy_main.allowsFeature(feature, ""));
}, 'Test featurePolicy.allowsFeature() on feature ' + feature);
test(function() {
assert_true(policy_main.allowsFeature("camera", "https://www.example.com"));
assert_true(policy_main.allowsFeature("camera", "https://www.example.net"));
}, 'Test featurePolicy.allowsFeature() for camera');
for (var feature of disallowed_features) {
test(function() {
assert_false(policy_main.allowsFeature(feature, ""));
}, 'Test featurePolicy.allowsFeature() on disallowed feature ' + feature);
// Tests for featurePolicy.allowedFeatures().
var allowed_features_main = policy_main.allowedFeatures();
for (var feature of allowed_features) {
test(function() {
}, 'Test featurePolicy.allowedFeatures() include feature ' + feature);
for (var feature of disallowed_features) {
test(function() {
}, 'Test featurePolicy.allowedFeatures() does not include disallowed feature ' +
// Tests for featurePolicy.getAllowlistForFeature().
policy_main.getAllowlistForFeature("fullscreen"), ["*"],
"fullscreen is allowed for all in main frame");
policy_main.getAllowlistForFeature("payment"), [""],
"payment is allowed for self");
"camera is allowed for multiple origins");
policy_main.getAllowlistForFeature("midi"), [], "midi is disallowed for all");