if (window.testRunner) {
// In Chromium we need to change the setting to disallow displaying
// insecure contents.
// By default, LayoutTest content_shell returns allowed for
// "Should fetching request be blocked as mixed content?" at Step 5:
// https://w3c.github.io/webappsec/specs/mixedcontent/#should-block-fetch
// > If the user agent has been instructed to allow mixed content
// Turning the switch below to false makes this condition above false, and
// make content_shell to run into Step 7 to test mixed content blocking.
testRunner.overridePreference('WebKitAllowRunningInsecureContent', false);
// Accept all cookies.
// There must be an |options| object in scope before running this script, which
// is obtained via either get_thorough_test_options() or
// get_fetch_test_options().
// How tests starts:
// 1. is loaded.
// 2. init(): Do initialization.
// In thorough/* tests
// (see init() in each test category's TEMPLATE file):
// - Login to HTTP pages.
// This is done first from HTTP origin to avoid mixed content blocking.
// - Login to HTTPS pages.
// If the test is not base-https:
// 3a. start(): Start tests.
// Otherwise:
// 3b. Redirect to
// 4b. start(): Start tests.
var t = async_test('Startup');
if (location.protocol != 'https:') {
.then(function() {
// Initialization done. In thorough/* tests, login done.
if (location.pathname.indexOf('base-https') >= 0) {
// Step 3b. For base-https tests, redirect to HTTPS page here.
location = options["BASE_ORIGIN"] + location.pathname;
} else {
// Step 3a. For non-base-https tests, start tests here.
} else {
// Step 4b. Already redirected to the HTTPS page.
// Start tests for base-https tests here.